Showing 31-60 of 60 items.

Revolution at Querétaro

The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916–1917

University of Texas Press

The first book in English to study in depth the remarkable convention that produced the Mexican Constitution of 1917.

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British-Owned Railways in Argentina

Their Effect on the Growth of Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948

University of Texas Press

How British-owned railways affected the development of Argentine economic nationalism.

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Peasants in Revolt

A Chilean Case Study, 1965–1971

University of Texas Press

Based on extended interviews at the Culiprán fundo in Chile with peasants who recount in their own terms their political evolution, this is an in-depth study of peasants in social and political action.

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Modernization, Dislocation, and Aprismo

Origins of the Peruvian Aprista Party, 1870-1932

University of Texas Press

The first major analysis of the social and political bases of the Aprista movement.

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Men in a Developing Society

Geographic and Social Mobility in Monterrey, Mexico

University of Texas Press

How men experience a period of rapid economic development, particularly in the areas of migration, occupational mobility, and status attainment.

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Exiles and Citizens

Spanish Republicans in Mexico

University of Texas Press

A study of Spanish Republican emigrés who fled from Spain to Mexico in 1939–1940.

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The Men of Cajamarca

A Social and Biographical Study of the First Conquerors of Peru

University of Texas Press

A study of a group of earlier Spaniards in America.

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Real del Monte

A British Silver Mining Venture in Mexico

University of Texas Press

A full account of a single risky venture, this inquiry is a microcosm of early foreign economic penetration into the Mexican mining industry.

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Democracy, Militarism, and Nationalism in Argentina, 1930–1966

An Interpretation

University of Texas Press

In this study, Marvin Goldwert interprets the rise, growth, and development of militarism in Argentina from 1930 to 1966.

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The Chilean Senate

Internal Distribution of Influence

University of Texas Press

Weston Agor’s carefully documented analysis of the organization and workings of the Chilean Senate is the first of its kind and fills a long-standing need in the comparative study of the internal structure of legislative bodies.

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Judicial Review in Mexico

A Study of the Amparo Suit

University of Texas Press

A study of the amparo suit, a Mexican legal institution similar in its effects to such Anglo-American procedures as habeas corpus, error, and the various forms of injunctive relief.

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Crisis in Costa Rica

The 1948 Revolution

University of Texas Press

This book analyzes the circumstances of 1940–1948 that led to a successful armed uprising, as well as the role of José Figueres Ferrer in marshaling disparate groups into a movement sufficiently cohesive to seize and hold power.

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The Politics of Puerto Rican University Students

University of Texas Press

A close examination of the social background and political activity of students at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico in the 1960s.

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Politics of the Chaco Peace Conference, 1935–1939

University of Texas Press

A study of the 1930s dispute between Paraguay and Bolivia and the inter-American peace conference that settled it.

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Political Groups in Chile

The Dialogue between Order and Change

University of Texas Press

A study of Chilean politics in the mid-twentieth century.

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The Industrialization of São Paulo, 1800-1945

University of Texas Press

This is a study of the early years of manufacturing in São Paulo: how it was influenced by the growth and decline of the coffee trade; where it found its markets, its credit, and its labor force; and how it confronted the competition of imports.

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Politics in the Altiplano

The Dynamics of Change in Rural Peru

University of Texas Press

This book analyzes the sources of conflict and political change in ta Peruvian region as it underwent socioeconomic development through a period of recurring natural disasters.

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Immigration and Nationalism

Argentina and Chile, 1890–1914

University of Texas Press

The dramatic change in attitudes toward immigration in Chile and Argenitna during the quarter century preceding World War I is the subject of this study.

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Growth, Equality, and the Mexican Experience

University of Texas Press

This book examines the relationship between economic development and equality in twentieth century Mexico.

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The Measurement of Modernism

A Study of Values in Brazil and Mexico

University of Texas Press

The results of an empirical investigation designed to produce instruments to measure personal values that have been central variables in the theory of modernization of societies, using Brazil and Mexico as examples.

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Civil Service Reform in Brazil

Principles Versus Practice

University of Texas Press

Why public administration theories of the United States and Western Europe, when transplanted to another cultural setting, did not take root and in fact unexpectedly proved to be most applicable in Brazil during periods of autocratic rule.

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The Inter American Press Association

Its Fight for Freedom of the Press, 1926–1960

University of Texas Press

A study of the history of this group that has fought for freedom of the press in Latin America.

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Steel and Economic Growth in Mexico

University of Texas Press

A history of the Mexican iron and steel industry through the 1960s.

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Spain and the Abolition of Slavery in Cuba, 1817–1886

University of Texas Press

This book explores the abolition of African slavery in Spanish Cuba from 1817 to 1886—from the first Anglo-Spanish agreement to abolish the slave trade until the removal from Cuba of the last vestige of black servitude.

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Reflections on Latin American Development

University of Texas Press

A comprehensive analysis of many aspects of Latin American economic development in the mid-twentieth century.

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Origins of the American Indians

European Concepts, 1492-1729

University of Texas Press

An examination of early European theories about the origin of American indigenous peoples.

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Mexico's Recent Economic Growth

The Mexican View

Translated by Marjory Urquidi; Introduction by Tom E. Davis
University of Texas Press

This volume of six essays makes readily available to English-speaking readers a selection of significant contributions by outstanding Mexican economists, dealing with the mid-twentieth-century growth of the Mexican economy.

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Tax Reform and the Alliance for Progress

University of Texas Press

This study presents an examination of the problem of evaluating the adequacy of Latin American tax-reform efforts and recommends basic criteria for such evaluation.

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Epidemic Disease in Mexico City, 1761–1813

An Administrative, Social, and Medical Study

University of Texas Press

The first detailed study of the impact of epidemic disease on the history of New Spain, primarily of its capital.

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Revolution on the Pampas

A Social History of Argentine Wheat, 1860–1910

University of Texas Press

This study traces the development of the Argentine wheat zone, focusing on the part wheat played in forming the Argentina of today.

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