Hugh Davis and His Alabama Plantation
Secessionist Impulse
Alabama and Mississippi in 1860
John Horry Dent
South Carolina Aristocrat On Alabama Frontier
Two Years on the Alabama
Labor Revolt In Alabama
The Great Strike of 1894
A Rich Man's War, A Poor Man's Fight
Desertion of Alabama Troops from the Confederate Army
Horse and Buggy Days on Hatchet Creek
An Alabama Boyhood in the 1890s
Since its first publication in 1957, Horse and Buggy Days on Hatchet Creek has been a favorite of readers who have enjoyed the entertaining, highly readable account of a southern boy’s life in the 1880s and 1890s. With a wry sense of humor and clear-eyed affection, Mitchell Garrett recalls growing up in a verdant valley of the Appalachian foothills in eastern Alabama.
Stars Fell on Alabama
The Formative Period in Alabama, 1815-1828
The Formative Period in Alabama, 1815-1828 is a beautifully crafted history of the evolution of the state written by Thomas Perkins Abernethy in 1922. The work shows how Alabama grew out of the Mississippi Territory and discusses the economic and political development during the years just before and just after Alabama became a state.
Party Politics in Alabama from 1850 through 1860
Lewy Dorman’s Party Politics in Alabama From 1850 Through 1860 reveals the flow of political events and the people behind these events during the critical decade preceding the Civil War.