Written as I Remember It
Teachings (Ɂəms tɑɁɑw) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder
This extraordinary book not only offers a rare glimpse into the life of a Coast Salish woman and the teachings of the Sliammon people, it also offers a fruitful model for collaborative research and life-history writing.
First Nations, Museums, Narrations
Stories of the 1929 Franklin Motor Expedition to the Canadian Prairies
The story of the Franklin Motor Expedition that collected First Nations artifacts on the Prairies in 1929 as well as a larger study of the relationships between museums and the indigenous peoples whose heritage items they house.
Recognition versus Self-Determination
Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics
This book re-evaluates the role of recognition in analyzing relations between groups in plural societies, the position of indigenous peoples in settler societies, and the principle of the self-determination of peoples.
Revisiting the Duty to Consult Aboriginal Peoples
The duty to consult has a fundamental importance for all Canadians, yet misunderstandings of the doctrine remain widespread; this book addresses those misconceptions.
Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
Volume 1: Snohomish Texts
This invaluable analysis of eighteen Lushootseed traditional stories includes interlinear grammatical analyses.
Living Dead in the Pacific
Contested Sovereignty and Racism in Genetic Research on Taiwan Aborigines
A consideration of the impact of racism and questions of sovereignty on genetic research, which details the exploitative history of research on Taiwanese Aborigines.
Indigenous in the City
Contemporary Identities and Cultural Innovation
This book explores the complexity of urban Indigeneity in Canada and internationally and positions urban areas as places of Indigenous resilience and cultural innovation.
This Is Our Life
Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice
The story of a transformative visit by members of the Haida Nation to British museums housing their cultural artifacts.
To Right Historical Wrongs
Race, Gender, and Sentencing in Canada
A bold questioning of culture-based reparative justice initiatives – the political culture that inspired them and their efficacy in an age in which historically marginalized people are disproportionately represented in Canadian prisons.
Indian Ernie
Perspectives on Policing and Leadership by Ernie Louttit
Retired police sergeant Ernie Louttit shares stories from the streets of Saskatoon, struggling to bring justice to communities where the lines between criminal and victim often blurred.
A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
This book provides a comprehensive linguistic description of Tsilhqút’ín (Chilcotin), an Athabaskan language spoken in Interior British Columbia.
Decolonizing Education
Nourishing the Learning Spirit
An impassioned argument for Aboriginal education and critical engagement with Indigenous knowledges and traditions.
Where Happiness Dwells
A History of the Dane-zaa First Nations
This innovative blend of oral history and anthropological commentary documents how the Dane-zaa survived and flourished for millennia in northern BC.
Living Indigenous Leadership
Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities
Native women share their knowledge and insights about leadership at the community level.