The Solidarity Encounter
Women, Activism, and Creating Non-Colonizing Relations
This compassionate yet unflinching exposé of the pitfalls of Indigenous–non-Indigenous solidarity work offers a constructive framework for non-colonizing solidarity that can be applied in any context of unequal power.
Braided Learning
Illuminating Indigenous Presence through Art and Story
In Braided Learning, Lenape-Potawatomi educator Susan Dion inspires engagement with the histories and perspectives of Indigenous peoples, cultivating capacities for understanding, attunement, and respect.
A Legacy of Exploitation
Early Capitalism in the Red River Colony, 1763–1821
A Legacy of Exploitation recasts the Hudson’s Bay Company’s experiment at Red River as a reaction to Indigenous peoples’ autonomy, challenging collective historical fantasies of Canada as a glorious nation of adventurers.
Métis Rising
Living Our Present Through the Power of Our Past
Métis Rising brings together a vibrant collection of essays on history, politics, and culture that celebrate the resilience of Métis identity.
Reconciling Truths
Reimagining Public Inquiries in Canada
Reconciling Truths is a forthright examination of commissions of inquiry that demonstrates the need for astute leadership and an engaging process if they are to lead to meaningful change.
Beyond Rights
The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement and the Challenges of Modern Treaty Relationships
Beyond Rights examines the legal, political, and cultural implications of the groundbreaking process of negotiating the Nisga’a treaty.
To Share, Not Surrender
Indigenous and Settler Visions of Treaty Making in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia
To Share, Not Surrender presents multiple views and lived experience of the treaty-making process and its repercussions in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and publishes, for the first time, the Vancouver Island Treaties in First Nations languages.
Adjusting the Lens
Indigenous Activism, Colonial Legacies, and Photographic Heritage
Adjusting the Lens explores and celebrates decolonizing strategies and practices that confront the ways the photographic record of Indigenous peoples has been shaped by the colonial imagination.
Mischief Making
Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Art, and the Seriousness of Play
In a gorgeously illustrated exploration of the art of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Mischief Making demonstrates how playful and punning gestures can shed light on serious subjects.
So Much More Than Art
Indigenous Miniatures of the Pacific Northwest
So Much More Than Art reveals the fascinating practice of miniaturization in Indigenous Northwest Coast art as a subtle form of communication in the face of oppressive colonization.