Showing 241-250 of 331 items.

CCF Colonialism in Northern Saskatchewan

Battling Parish Priests, Bootleggers, and Fur Sharks

UBC Press

An elegantly written history that documents the colonial relationship between the CCF and the Saskatchewan north.

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The Red Man's on the Warpath

The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

UBC Press

This book explores how wartime symbolism and imagery propelled the “Indian problem” onto the national agenda, and why assimilation remained the goal of post-war Canadian Indian policy – even though the war required that it be rationalized in new ways.

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Aboriginal Conditions

Research As a Foundation for Public Policy

UBC Press

Social science researchers from both within and outside of government collaborate to examine how research can and should be used as a foundation for the development of public policy.

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“Real” Indians and Others

Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood

UBC Press

A pioneering look at how mixed-blood urban Native people understand their identities and struggle to survive in a world that often fails to recognize them.

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A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview

UBC Press

This book explores the Nuu-chah-nulth understanding of the universe as an integrated and orderly whole, providing a viable theoretical alternative that both complements and expands the view of reality presented by Western science.

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Paddling to Where I Stand

Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman

UBC Press

A first-hand account of the greatest period of change experienced by the Kwakwaka'wakw people since their first contact with Europeans.

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Musqueam Reference Grammar

UBC Press

Perhaps the fullest account of any Salish language, this is the long-awaited grammar of the Musqueam dialect of Halkomelem which was begun in the late 1950s.

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Intercultural Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts

UBC Press

The essays collected here provide a balanced view of alternative dispute resolution, exploring its opportunities and effectiveness alongside its challenges and limits.

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Compulsory Compassion

A Critique of Restorative Justice

UBC Press

A multi-faceted consideration and critique of the compelling and emotionally seductive rhetoric of restorative justice.

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Hunters and Bureaucrats

Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon

UBC Press

A timely anthropological examination of the effect of land claims settlements and co-management of resources on the Kluane First Nation of the Southwest Yukon.

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