Made in Nunavut
An Experiment in Decentralized Government
Made in Nunavut provides a definitive account of how an innovative government was designed and implemented in Canada’s Eastern and Central Artic.
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation
A Road Map for All Canadians
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation is essential reading for all Canadians who want to understand how Canadian political and economic systems can accommodate Aboriginal aspirations and ensure a better future for all Canadians.
Tellings From Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
The Complete Two-Volume Set
Twenty-seven traditional Lushootseed stories are presented in this two-volume set, complete with English translations and interlinear grammatical analyses.
Tellings from Our Elders
Lushootseed syeyehub, Volume 2: Tales from the Skagit Valley
Nine traditional stories from the Skagit Valley, presented with line-by-line interlinear glosses, illuminate the grammatical and narrative richness of the Lushootseed language
The Honour and Dishonour of the Crown
Making Sense of Aboriginal Law in Canada
Unique within Canadian legal writing, this book unpacks the complex conceptual differences between the fiduciary duty of the Crown and the honour of the Crown.
More Indian Ernie
Insights from the Streets
Retired Police Sergeant Ernie Louttit heads back to the streets in his second book, giving readers a rare glimpse of the realities a street cop faces dealing with prostitutes, street gangs, drunk drivers, and other offenders.
Resettling the Range
Animals, Ecologies, and Human Communities in British Columbia
This unconventional history looks at the resettlement of interior British Columbia from the perspective of campaigns to exterminate grasshoppers and wild horses, creatures considered by some to be pests.
Teaching Each Other
Nehinuw Concepts and Indigenous Pedagogies
Drawing on Nehinuw (Cree) educational concepts, this book provides a new theoretical and practical model for teaching Indigenous students.
Nationhood Interrupted
Revitalizing nêhiyaw Legal Systems
Co-founder of the international movement Idle No More, Sylvia McAdam shares nêhiyaw (Cree) laws so that future generations may understand and live by them, revitalizing Indigenous nationhood.
Moving Aboriginal Health Forward
Discarding Canada’s Legal Barriers
This comprehensive analysis of Aboriginal health statistics, historical practices, and legal principles in Canadian law provides a practical framework for the reconciliation of Aboriginal health and healing practices within Canadian society.