The Reluctant Land
Society, Space, and Environment in Canada before Confederation
God's Galloping Girl
The Peace River Diaries of Monica Storrs, 1929-1931
What brought Monica Storrs to embark on a wilderness life in the depressed thirties amidst the hardships of B.C.'s Peace River country - the last North American frontier?
Farming the Frontier
The Agricultural Opening of the Oregon Country, 1786-1846
The first comprehensive history of the agricultural development of the Oregon Country.
The Archive of Place
Unearthing the Pasts of the Chilcotin Plateau
Weaves together a series of narratives about environmental history in British Columbia’s Chilcotin Plateau.
River of Memory
The Everlasting Columbia
River of Memory fosters connections between the river’s natural and human histories by encouraging readers to linger along the river’s shores and spend time reflecting on its dramatic mountain and plateau landscapes.
This Elusive Land
Women and the Canadian Environment
This multidisciplinary anthology discusses the ways in which women integrate the social and biophysical settings of their lives, featuring a range of contexts and issues in which gender mediates, inspires, and informs a sense of belonging to and in this land.
Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay
This wide-ranging history of Georgian Bay examines changing cultural representations of landscape over time, shifts between resource development and recreational use, and environmental politics of place -- stories central to the Canadian experience.
Place, Culture and Identity
Essays in Historical Geography in Honour of Alan R.H. Baker
This book features twelve commissioned essays recognizing Alan R.H. Baker, a leading scholar in historical geographyhighly influential and innovative contributions.
Islands of Truth
The Imperial Fashioning of Vancouver Island
Timely, provocative, and a vital contribution to post-colonial studies, this book questions premises underlying much of present B.C. historical writing, arguing that international literature offers more fruitful ways of framing local historical experiences.
The Resettlement of British Columbia
Essays on Colonialism and Geographical Change
In this beautifully crafted collection of essays, Cole Harris reflects on the strategies of colonialism in British Columbia during the first 150 years after the arrival of European settlers.