Showing 71-75 of 75 items.
Fatal Consumption
Rethinking Sustainable Development
Edited by Robert F. Woollard and Aleck S. Ostry
UBC Press
Taking the slogan "think globally, act locally" to heart, the contributors to this book offer both an understanding of the present and hope for a sustainable future.
Injury and the New World of Work
UBC Press
Examines a broad range of research solutions and policy options for dealing with the critical state of workers' compensation.
Colonizing Bodies
Aboriginal Health and Healing in British Columbia, 1900-50
UBC Press
This detailed but highly readable ethnohistory shows how a pluralistic medical system evolved among Canada’s most populous Aboriginal population.
Ethics and Aging
The Right to Live, the Right to Die
Edited by James E. Thornton and Earl R. Winkler
UBC Press
This book reflects the complexity of ethical questions, but develops them in relation to a single general theme: that of the involvement of the elderly in the design of social policy and the research which affects them.
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