Feminist Community Research
Case Studies and Methodologies
Researchers from multiple disciplines discuss the potential and the challenges of feminist community research.
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care
This volume addresses the theoretical and practical relationships among the feminization of migrant labour, the ethics of care, and social policy in the new global economy.
Health Inequities in Canada
Intersectional Frameworks and Practices
Highlights the potential of intersectionality as a research paradigm for the health sciences.
Criminal Artefacts
Governing Drugs and Users
By looking curiously on the criminal addict as an artefact of criminal justice, this book asks us to question why the criminalized drug user has become such a focus of contemporary criminal justice practices.
Nutrition Policy in Canada, 1870-1939
Examines the beginnings and early evolution of nutrition policy developments in Canada from the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the Second World War.
Building Health Promotion Capacity
Action for Learning, Learning from Action
Explores the professional practice of health promotion and, in particular, how individuals and organizations can become more effective in undertaking and supporting such practice.
First Do No Harm
Making Sense of Canadian Health Reform
Is there a crisis in Canadian health care? This book provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of health care in Canada and examine various ideas for reforming the system sensibly.
Injury and the New World of Work
Examines a broad range of research solutions and policy options for dealing with the critical state of workers' compensation.