Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 12
484 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:01 Jan 1972

Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 12

Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources, Part One

University of Texas Press

Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources comprises Volumes 12 through 15 of the Handbook of Middle American Indians, published in cooperation with the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University under the general editorship of Robert Wauchope (1909–1979). The Guide has been assembled under the volume editorship of the late Howard F. Cline, Director of the Hispanic Foundation in the Library of Congress, with Charles Gibson, John B. Glass, and H. B. Nicholson as associate volume editors. It covers geography and ethnogeography, especially the Relaciones Geográficas (Volume 12); sources in the European tradition: printed collections, secular and religious chroniclers, biobibliographies (Volume 13); sources in the native tradition: prose and pictorial materials, checklist of repositories, title and synonymy index, and annotated bibliography on native sources (Volumes 14 and 15).

Volume 12, which is Part One of the Guide, contains the following: “Introduction: Reflections on Ethnohistory,” “Introductory Notes on Territorial Divisions of Middle America,” “Viceroyalty to Republics, 1786–1952: Historical Notes on the Evolution of Middle American Political Units,” “Ethnohistorical Regions of Middle America,” “The Relaciones Geográficas of the Spanish Indies, 1577–1648,” “A Census of the Relaciones Geográficas of New Spain, 1579–1616,” and “The Relaciones Geográficas of Spain, New Spain, and the Spanish Indies: An Annotated Bibliography,” all the foregoing by Howard F. Cline. In addition it includes: “Colonial New Spain, 1519–1786: Historical Notes on the Evolution of Minor Political Jurisdictions” by Peter Gerhard; “The Pinturas (Maps) of the Relaciones Geográficas, with a Catalog” by Donald Robertson; “The Relaciones Geográficas, 1579–1586: Native Languages” by H. R. Harvey; and “The Relaciones Geográficas of Mexico and Central America, 1740–1792” by Robert C. West.

The Handbook of Middle American Indians was assembled and edited at the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University with the assistance of grants from the National Science Foundation and under the sponsorship of the National Research Council Committee on Latin American Anthropology.

Robert Wauchope (1909–1979) was the director of the Middle American Research Institute at Tulane University.
  • Foreword
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction: Reflections on Ethnohistory (Howard F. Cline)
  • 1. Introductory Notes on Territorial Divisions of Middle America (Howard F. Cline)
    • Areas and Subdivisions
      • Principal Area
    • Modern and Colonial Jurisdictions
      • Political Jurisdictions
      • Audiencias: Politico-Judicial Jurisdiction
      • Archdiocese and Dioceses: Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
      • Summary
    • Mexican States and Their Municipios
    • Appendix: Gazetteer and Atlas of Mexican Municipios in the Principal Area, 1950
  • 2. Colonial New Spain, 1519-1786: Historical Notes on the Evolution of Minor Political Jurisdictions (Peter Gerhard)
    • I. Nueva España
    • II. Nueva Galicia
    • III. Nueva Vizcaya: Provincias Internas
    • IV. Nayarit
    • V. Sinaloa
    • VI. Californias
    • VII. Nuevo Mexico
    • VIII. Coahuila
    • IX. Texas
    • X. Nuevo Leon
    • XI. Nuevo Santander
    • XII. Panuco
    • XIII. Tabasco
    • XIV. Isla del Carmen
    • XV. Yucatan
    • XVI. Guatemala
    • XVII. Chiapa
    • XVIII. Soconusco
    • XIX. Honduras
    • XX. Nicaragua
    • XXI. Costa Rica
    • XXII. San Salvador
  • 3. Viceroyalty to Republics, 1786-1952: Historical Notes on the Evolution of Middle American Political Units (Howard F. Cline)
    • Late Colonial Mexico
      • The Intendancy System in New Spain
      • Provincias Internas
      • Summary
    • The Mexican Empire, 1821-23
    • Republic of Mexico: Federalist Constitution, 1824-35
    • Republic of Mexico: Centralist Constitutions, 1836-46
    • Republic of Mexico: Return to Federalism, 1846-53
    • Republic of Mexico: Centralist Epilogue, 1853-56
    • Republic of Mexico: Stabilization, 1857-1902
    • Republic of Mexico: Twentieth Century
    • Late Colonial Central America, 1785-1821
    • Central America after Independence
      • Territorial and Jurisdictional Changes
  • 4. Ethnohistorical Regions of Middle America (Howard F. Cline)
    • Northern Mexico
    • Western Mexico
    • Central Mexico
    • Oaxaca Region
    • Southeastern Mexico and Guatemala
    • Central America
    • Final Note
  • 5. The Relaciones Geográficas of the Spanish Indies, 1577-1648 (Howard F. Cline)
    • Administrative History
      • Juan de Ovando and Juan López de Velasco
      • The 1577 Questionnaire
      • Replies
      • The Corpus
      • The Relaciones Geográficas of New Spain
      • Lost Items
      • Summary
      • Colonial Lists and Inventories
      • Dispersal of the Corpus
    • Repositories
      • Archivo General de Indias
      • University of Texas
      • Royal Academy of History
      • Lost Items
      • Summary
    • Geographical Coverage
      • Northern Mexico
      • Western Mexico
      • Central Mexico
      • Oaxaca Region
      • Southeastern Mexico and Guatemala
    • Summary Conclusions
    • Epilogues
      • The 1604 Program
      • Interrogation of 1648
      • Demographic Survey, 1679-83
      • Summary
    • Appendix A: Cedula, May 25, 1577
    • Appendix B: Instruction and Memorandum for Preparing the Reports … of the Indies …
    • Appendix C: Questionnaire, 1577
    • Appendix D: Juan López de Velasco Relación, 1583
    • Appendix E: Antonio de León Pinelo Memoria, [1630?]
  • 6. The Pinturas (Maps) of the Relaciones Geográficas, with a Catalog (Donald Robertson)
    • History
    • Analysis
      • Content
      • Glasses
      • Materials
      • Artistic Style
    • Artists
    • Chronological and Other Relationships
      • Relationship to Texts
      • Relationship to Prototypes
    • Lost Pinturas
    • Problems and Summary
    • Catalog of Pinturas of the Relaciones Geográficas by Donald Robertson and Martha Barton Robertson
  • 7. The Relaciones Geográficas, 1579-1586: Native Languages (H. R. Harvey)
    • Classifications
    • Group I: Uto-Aztecan Languages
      • Mexicano
      • Nahua Bilingualism
      • Regional Dialects and Extinct Uto-Aztecan Languages
    • Group II: Macro-Otomanguean Languages
      • Otomi
      • Mazahua
      • Matlatzinca
      • Chichimec
      • Oaxaca
      • Mixtec
      • Cuicatec
      • Amuzgo
      • Popolocan: Chocho, Popoloca, Mazatec
      • Zapotec
      • Chinantec
    • Group III: Macro-Mayan Languages
      • Yucatec Maya
      • Chontal
      • Guatemalan Μayance Dialects
      • Zoque, Mixe, Huave
      • Totonac
    • Group IV: Tarascan
    • Group V: Hokaltecan
      • Tlapanec
      • Chontal of Oaxaca (Tequistlatecan))
    • Group VI: Unclassified and Extinct Languages
      • Cuitlatec
      • Tepuztec (Tlacotepehua))
      • Costa Grande Languages
      • Costa Chica Languages
      • Chontal and Tuxtec of Guerrero
      • Guerrero Mazatec and Ixcuca
      • Coastal Michoacan
      • Jalisco
    • Linguistic Acculturation
    • Extent and Distribution of Nahua
    • Appendix A: A Bibliographical Note on 16th-Century Linguistic Publications concerning New Spain
    • Appendix B: Languages Listed in the Relaciones Geográficas: Distribution by Communities
  • 8. A Census of the Relaciones Geográficas of New Spain, 1579–1612 (Howard F. Cline)
  • 9. The Relaciones Geográficas of Spain, New Spain, and the Spanish Indies: An Annotated Bibliography (Howard F. Cline)
  • 10. The Relaciones Geográficas of Mexico and Central America, 1740-1792 (Robert C. West)
    • Relaciones Geográficas of 1743–46
      • Questionnaire
      • Replies
      • Corpus and Geographical Coverage
      • Repository
      • Summary
    • Relaciones Geográficas of 1777–78
      • Questionnaire
      • Replies
      • Corpus and Geographical Coverage
      • Repositories
      • Published Relaciones Geográficas
      • Summary
    • Relaciones Geográficas of 1789–92
      • Questionnaire (Appendix D))
      • Replies
      • Geographical Coverage
      • Repositories
    • Minor 18th-Century Surveys
      • Survey of Central America, 1740–41
      • Survey by the Inquisition, 1754
      • Survey of Nueva Galicia, 1772–79
      • “Revenue” Series, 1788–89
      • “Indian Pueblo” Series of Michoacan, 1788–89
      • Pineda Survey, 1791
      • “Padrones” or Census Series, 1791–94
      • “Toponym” Series, 1792–94
    • Conclusion
    • Appendix A: Royal Cedula Authorizing the Geographical Survey of 1743–46 in Mexico
    • Appendix B: Questionnaire for the Geographical Survey of 1743–46 in Mexico
    • Appendix C: Questionnaire for 1777–78 RG’s in Mexico Compiled by Antonio de Ulloa
    • Appendix D: Questionnaire for 1789–92 RG’s
    • Epilogue by Howard F. Cline
  • References
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