Fascial Manipulation® - Stecco® method The practitioner's perspective
224 pages, 7 12/25 x 9 61/100
Release Date:23 Jul 2018

Fascial Manipulation® - Stecco® method The practitioner's perspective

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing

This book highlights the impact that the Fascial Manipulation® - Stecco® method for fascial dysfunctions, developed by Italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco, has had on the clinical practice of 16 well-established practitioners from a total of seven different countries and from different disciplines, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy and massage therapy. It gives voice to some of the experienced practitioners who have acknowledged Luigi Stecco’s work and have played an important role in the diffusion of this method in their respective countries. The knowledgeable “clinical eye' of these practitioners will have immense value for their peers.

An introductory chapter outlines the theoretical models underlying the Fascial Manipulation - Stecco method and the clinical reasoning process applied in this method. Each subsequent chapter presents the application of the Fascial Manipulation - Stecco method in detailed case reports. Chapters are divided into three main sections (Musculoskeletal, Internal Dysfunctions and Other Perspectives) and they provide useful information either for other practitioners of this method or for colleagues who are interested in approaching this type of fascial work. Furthermore, the personal accounts presented here provide ulterior historical background to the development and spread of the Fascial Manipulation - Stecco method, which has generated and continues to generate numerous areas for research.

Julie Ann Day is an Australian trained physiotherapist with over 35 years of clinical experience. In 1998 she began studying Fascial Manipulation® with Luigi Stecco, the Italian physiotherapist who developed this method, and she has translated four texts by Luigi Stecco from Italian to English. An authorized teacher of Fascial Manipulation® since 2002, Julie has taught Level I and Level II courses of Fascial Manipulation® in Italy, Canada, USA, UK, Poland, Finland, Denmark, and Australia, as well as presenting numerous workshops and presentations on this subject at International conferences. She is one of the founding members of the AMF (Associazione Manipolazione Fasciale) and has been an active part of its Executive Council.

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