Cities for People
Renowned architect and urban planner Jan Gehl explains the methods and tools he has used to reconfigure unworkable cityscapes into safe and sustainable cities for people – something he has helped do in Copenhagen, Melbourne, and New York City.
Principles of Brownfield Regeneration
Cleanup, Design, and Reuse of Derelict Land
The first book to provide an accessible introduction to the design, policy, and technical issues related to redevelopment of "brownfields" – idle property whose development or improvement is impaired by contamination.
Design with Microclimate
The Secret to Comfortable Outdoor Space
Arguing that a comfortable microclimate is the foundation of well-used outdoor places, Robert Brown provides useful guidelines for dealing with climate data, site assessment, microclimate modification, communication, design, and evaluation.
Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors
Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions
Following the revival of the gray whale hunt by the Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth tribes in the Pacific Northwest, this books looks at the significance of whaling to these societies, exploring environmentalism, animal rights, and what it means to be “Indian.”
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Volume 2–Nonpasserines: Shorebirds through Woodpeckers
This volume and its predecessor condense the vast amount of literature on the nonpasserines of Ontario into a compact reference manual that will be essential to biologists, environmental planners, and serious birders.
Managed Annihilation
An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse
By examining one of the largest natural resource management failures of the twentieth century – the collapse of the Newfoundland cod fishery – this book seeks to understand the history of, and possible alternatives to, managerial responses to environmental issues.
The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada
Activism, Policy, and Contested Science
A comprehensive examination of the aquaculture controversy in Canada.
Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities
Design Strategies for the Post Carbon World
If widely used, these rules would lead to a much more livable world for future generations – a world that is not unlike the better parts of our own.
Where the Dragon Meets the Angry River
Nature and Power in the People’s Republic of China
This book brings big geopolitical issues to life through the narrative of a particular region and its people.
Trail of Story, Travellers’ Path
Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape
A sensitive examination of meanings of landscape, this book draws on the author’s rich experience with diverse environments and peoples in western Canada.
Ecology and Wonder in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks Heritage Site
Examining the ecology of the Western Canadian mountain region, this book argues that preserving the Rocky Mountains may be an important defence against future climate change impacts on the Canadian west.
What Is Water?
The History of a Modern Abstraction
A history of the modern concept of water that traces how a scientific abstraction has helped to produce a global crisis.
The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada
A revealing history of human impact in the Canadian North, this book focuses on the causes and consequences of the industries that replaced the fur trade.
Speaking for Ourselves
Environmental Justice in Canada
This book showcases the work of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal scholars who uphold environmental justice as the path to a more just, equitable, and sustainable Canada.
Forestry and Biodiversity
Learning How to Sustain Biodiversity in Managed Forests
Sustaining biodiversity in managed forests is a complex problem, but the authors argue that it can be done -- through adaptive management, which they describe as a structured approach to “learning by doing.”
Sensing Changes
Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003
These narratives about state-driven megaprojects and technological and regulatory changes reveal how humans make sense of their world in the face of rapid environmental change.
Building an Emerald City
A Guide to Creating Green Building Policies and Programs
Nuclear Waste Management in Canada
Critical Issues, Critical Perspectives
Nuclear Waste Management in Canada encourages critical thought and discussion about energy generation and waste management by exploring not only the technical but also the social and ethical aspects of the problem.