Resettling the Range
Animals, Ecologies, and Human Communities in British Columbia
This unconventional history looks at the resettlement of interior British Columbia from the perspective of campaigns to exterminate grasshoppers and wild horses, creatures considered by some to be pests.
Islands' Spirit Rising
Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii
Set within the context of resource conflict and collaborative land-use planning on Haida Gwaii, this book examines how historic relations of domination and oppression can be transformed and more sustainable forms of land governance created.
The First Green Wave
Pollution Probe and the Origins of Environmental Activism in Ontario
The First Green Wave examines the origins and development of first wave environmental activism (1967-86) in Toronto, home to one of Canada’s earliest and most dynamic communities of environmentalists.
Public Produce
Cultivating Our Parks, Plazas, and Streets for Healthier Cities, Revised Edition
An updated look at the advantages and possibilities of urban agriculture in public spaces.
Forests in Our Changing World
New Principles for Conservation and Management
Tracking the Great Bear
How Environmentalists Recreated British Columbia’s Coastal Rainforest
A detailed account of the complex and contested process that resulted in the establishment of the Great Bear Rainforest in coastal British Columbia.
Land Use and Society, Third Edition
Geography, Law, and Public Policy
This third edition has been updated with data from the 2010 U.S. Census and revised with the input of academics and professors to address the changing issues in land use, policy, and law today.