The Making of the Northwest Forest Plan
The Wild Science of Saving Old Growth Ecosystems
Dying Green
A Journey through End-of-Life Medicine in Search of Sustainable Healthcare
Armadillos to Ziziphus
A Naturalist in the Texas Hill Country
This book aims to show people, in short pieces accompanied by one image, some of the surprising, fascinating, and ecologically valuable things happening around a Hill Country ranch.
Life against States of Emergency
Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat
Life against States of Emergency responds to the central question Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence asked in a high-profile ceremonial fast: What does it mean to be in a treaty relationship today?
Born with a Copper Spoon
A Global History of Copper, 1830–1980
Born with a Copper Spoon tells the fascinating and far-reaching story of one of the world’s most important metals.
In the Name of Wild
One Family, Five Years, Ten Countries, and a New Vision of Wildness
In the Name of Wild takes you on the five-year journey one family made across five continents to re-imagine the meaning of wildness.
The Birds of Vancouver Island’s West Coast
A detailed account of the 360 species of birds recorded on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island and its offshore waters.
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms
Food, Agriculture, and Change in the Holland Marsh
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms reveals how some of the most profitable farmland in Canada has been shaped, and ultimately imperilled, by liberal notions of progress and nature.
Against the Tides
Reshaping Landscape and Community in Canada’s Maritime Marshlands
Against the Tides tells the compelling story of the rehabilitation of the Maritime marshlands, a project that reshaped not only the landscape of the Bay of Fundy region but the communities that depended on it.
First Nations Wildfire Evacuations
A Guide for Communities and External Agencies
Based on the experiences of evacuees from seven First Nations communities, this book offers guidance to Indigenous communities and external agencies on how to successfully plan for and carry out wildfire evacuations.