Empire and Environment in the Making of Manchuria
This unique analysis of Manchuria’s environmental history provides an overview of the climatic and imperialist forces that have shaped an area of ongoing geopolitical importance.
Striving for Environmental Sustainability in a Complex World
Canadian Experiences
In the face of growing anxiety about the environmental sustainability of the world, George Francis, a leading authority in the field of sustainability studies, examines initiatives undertaken in Canada over the past twenty-five years to protect some of our unique environments.
Everyday Exposure
Indigenous Mobilization and Environmental Justice in Canada’s Chemical Valley
Everyday Exposure documents the adverse health effects experienced by Aamjiwnaang citizens in the heart of Canada’s Chemical Valley and argues for a transformative and experiential “sensing policy” approach that takes the voices and experiences of Indigenous citizens seriously.
Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World
Adaptations, Habitats, and Conservation
A comprehensive guide to understanding the crucial role estuaries play in the salmonid life cycle and what can be done to conserve – and recover – this important fish habitat.
Community Forestry in Canada
Lessons from Policy and Practice
The first comprehensive look at community forestry initiatives across Canada, this book provides a rich and detailed portrait of the sector from Newfoundland to British Columbia.
Empowering Electricity
Co-operatives, Sustainability, and Power Sector Reform in Canada
This revealing analysis of Canada’s electrical power co-operatives challenges our understanding of their history and shines a light on their potential within the nation’s electricity sector.
The Intellectual Property–Regulatory Complex
Overcoming Barriers to Innovation in Agricultural Genomics
This book offers a pathway forward for innovation in agricultural genomics by identifying and addressing the significant obstacles posed by conflicting intellectual property and biosafety regimes.
Where the Rivers Meet
Pipelines, Participatory Resource Management, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Northwest Territories
An examination of Sahtu Dene participation in the assessment of the Mackenzie Gas pipeline and other resource extraction projects, this book provides an in-depth account of the workings and effects of participatory environmental assessment in the Canadian North and its implications for the legitimization of resource co-management.
Far Off Metal River
Inuit Lands, Settler Stories, and the Making of the Contemporary Arctic
Drawing on the story of the 1771 Bloody Falls massacre, human geographer Emilie Cameron explores the relationship between stories and colonialism, challenging readers to examine their perceptions of the contemporary Arctic and its peoples.
The People and the Bay
A Social and Environmental History of Hamilton Harbour
This engaging history brings to life the personalities and power struggles that shaped how Hamiltonians used their harbour and, in the process, invites readers to consider how moral and political choices being made about the natural world today will shape the cities of tomorrow.