Showing 11-17 of 17 items.

Reshaping the University

Responsibility, Indigenous Epistemes, and the Logic of the Gift

UBC Press
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Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the United States

UBC Press

This volume compares and contrasts foundational myths and highlights the sociopolitical contexts that affect the conditions of citizenship, access to education, and inclusion of diverse cultural knowledge in educational systems.

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Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1897-1937

UBC Press

This innovative account examines the social and political impacts of Chinese teacher's schools in the early 20th century, their role in a society in transition, and their production of grassroots forces that lead to the Communist Revolution.

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Training the Excluded for Work

Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth, and People with Low Income

UBC Press

In an attempt to redress social inequities in the workplace, the authors examine various kinds of training programs and recommend specific policy initiatives to improve access to these programs.

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No Place to Learn

Why Universities Aren't Working

UBC Press

Arguing that too much emphasis is placed on specialized research and too little on teaching, this book contends that students seeking higher education in Canada are being short-changed.

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Early Childhood Care and Education in Canada

Past, Present, and Future

UBC Press

Larry Prochner and Nina Howe reflect the variation within the field by bringing together a multidisciplinary group of experts to address key issues in the field.

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Education, Student Rights and the Charter

UBC Press, Purich Publishing

How the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other human rights legislation apply to education.

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