Creating Criminals
This interdisciplinary collection challenges conventional views on crime and criminals, examining how ideas and rituals of criminal accusation produce both accusers and accused.
Behind the Walls
Inmates and Correctional Officers on the State of Canadian Prisons
Based on candid conversations with inmates and correctional officers in federal and provincial prisons, Behind the Walls offers an up-to-date and balanced account of the corrections landscape in Canada.
Parole in Canada
Gender and Diversity in the Federal System
Parole in Canada explores how concerns about aboriginality, gender, and the multicultural ideal of “diversity” have altered parole policy and practice – and asks whether these changes go far enough.
Who Is Bob_34?
Investigating Child Cyberpornography
Researchers Francis Fortin and Patrice Corriveau investigate the clandestine world of child cyberpornography to understand who produces, exchanges, and consumes pedo-pornographic images.
Demarginalizing Voices
Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research
By openly discussing the challenges of adopting innovative research methods, scholars of marginalized populations bring discussions of methodology from the fringes to the centre of debate in the social sciences.
To Right Historical Wrongs
Race, Gender, and Sentencing in Canada
A bold questioning of culture-based reparative justice initiatives – the political culture that inspired them and their efficacy in an age in which historically marginalized people are disproportionately represented in Canadian prisons.
Sex Work
Rethinking the Job, Respecting the Workers
A lucid and unflinching argument for the reframing of the debate on sex work, ending limiting moralistic approaches, and respecting the unique perspectives of workers.
On the Outside
From Lengthy Imprisonment to Lasting Freedom
Drawing on the narratives of men who have served lengthy prison sentences, this book illuminates the tumultuous journey from life in a penitentiary to success in the community.
Selling Sex
Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada
A diverse and comprehensive dialogue between sex workers, advocates, and researchers that looks at sex work in a new way.
Aboriginal Justice and the Charter
Realizing a Culturally Sensitive Interpretation of Legal Rights
This book explores the tension between Aboriginal justice methods and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while searching for practical ways to implement Aboriginal justice.