Harry Potter and the Other
Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World
A fascinating reconsideration of the depictions and implications of race and diversity in the Harry Potter franchise
The Transformative Potential of LGBTQ+ Children’s Picture Books
A foundational look at the way children’s books shaped views of the LGBTQ+ world
Equipping Space Cadets
Primary Science Fiction for Young Children
A scholarly exploration of how children’s books embrace and wrestle with the science fiction genre
The Green Mister Rogers
Environmentalism in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
An in-depth exploration of the environmentalism in the beloved children’s television program
Little Women at 150
A new exploration of the lasting affection and appreciation of the beloved children’s novel
The School Story
Young Adult Narratives in the Age of Neoliberalism
Through the lens of literature and film for and about students, a critique of what neoliberalism unleashed in schools
From Wallflowers to Bulletproof Families
The Power of Disability in Young Adult Narratives
How young adult stories interrogate and enrich our understandings of what disability means
Transforming Girls
The Work of Nineteenth-Century Adolescence
A study of nineteenth-century young adult literature that refocuses the history of girls’ books and female adolescence in the United States and Germany
Positioning Pooh
Edward Bear after One Hundred Years
A delightful journey into the heart of the many meanings behind that silly old bear
At Arm’s Length
A Rhetoric of Character in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
A theory of how authors position readers in relation to literary character through empathy, awe, and indifference
Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction
A wrestling with the faults and possibilities of the portrayals of race in this powerful genre
Side by Side
US Empire, Puerto Rico, and the Roots of American Youth Literature and Culture
A groundbreaking study on the impact of Puerto Rican children’s literature and culture
Intergenerational Solidarity in Children’s Literature and Film
An examination of the diverse ways in which children’s literature and film contribute to intergenerational bonding and solidarity
Queer Anxieties of Young Adult Literature and Culture
A new perspective on an explosively popular subgenre of young adult media
Table Lands
Food in Children's Literature
An exploration of the symbolic role food plays in children’s literature
Children's Books on the Big Screen
A critical volume dedicated to children’s film adaptation
Nerds, Goths, Geeks, and Freaks
Outsiders in Chicanx and Latinx Young Adult Literature
Amuch-needed intervention into the critical study of Chicanx and Latinx young adult literature
Beyond the Blockbusters
Themes and Trends in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction
A necessary expansion of the lens and landscape of young adult literature
Growing Up Asian American in Young Adult Fiction
Essays exploring how Asian American adolescents form identity in YA fiction
The Order and the Other
Young Adult Dystopian Literature and Science Fiction
A critical study of the perceptions of two similar but separate genres in young adult literature