Showing 21-40 of 544 items.

Shifting Gears

Canadian Autoworkers and the Changing Landscape of Labour Politics

UBC Press

Shifting Gears tells the story of how Canada’s largest private-sector union shifted its political strategy from an emphasis on transformative activism to transactional partnerships.

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Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Shaping of a National Identity

UBC Press

What is Canada? This new look at “Canada” shows how the country’s prime ministers have consciously worked to shape national identity through their speeches and rhetoric.

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Building a Special Relationship

Canada-US Relations in the Eisenhower Era, 1953–61

UBC Press

This book takes a compelling look at how bilateral diplomacy in an era wracked by the Cold War created a culture of cooperation between Canada and the United States that endures to the present day.

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Discovering Nothing

In Pursuit of an Elusive Northwest Passage

UBC Press

Quests to discover a navigable or usable Northwest Passage ended in failure, but as Discovering Nothing shows, the many attempts to find what nature did not provide led to the construction of its transcontinental equivalent, changing the landscape of North America forever.

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Land and the Liberal Project

Canada’s Violent Expansion

UBC Press

Land and the Liberal Project explores the “improving” ideas that informed the expansion of Canada from coast to coast, exposing the justifications for state violence and appropriation of Indigenous territory, thus challenging our assumptions about Canadian sovereignty.

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Canada and Colonialism

An Unfinished History

UBC Press, Purich Books

Canada and Colonialism presents the history Canadians must reckon with before decolonization is possible, from the nation’s establishment as a settler colony to the discriminatory legacies still at work in our institutions and culture.

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Canada and the Korean War

Histories and Legacies of a Cold War Conflict

Edited by Andrew Burtch and Tim Cook
UBC Press

Canada and the Korean War synthesizes Canadian and global perspectives on a watershed conflict to explore its profound influence on international, diplomatic, and military history, public memory, and contemporary affairs.

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Cape Breton in the Long Twentieth Century

Formations and Legacies of Industrial Capitalism

Athabasca University Press
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Resistance and Recognition at Kitigan Zibi

Algonquin Culture and Politics in the Twentieth Century

UBC Press

Resistance and Recognition at Kitigan Zibi illuminates the traditional values and cultural continuity underlying twentieth-century politics in the largest and oldest Algonquin reserve in Canada.

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Boosters and Barkers

Financing Canada’s Involvement in the First World War

UBC Press

“Back him up! Buy Victory Bonds.” Boosters and Barkers examines the unrelenting financial demands of Canadian participation in the First World War, exploring the aims, methods, and implications of securing public support.

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The Notorious Georges

Crime and Community in British Columbia's Northern Interior, 1905–25

UBC Press

The Notorious Georges is an engaging exploration of the alchemy of community identity and reputation in Prince George, BC, once branded Canada’s most-dangerous city.

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Silent Partners

The Origins and Influence of Canada’s Military-Industrial Complex

UBC Press

Silent Partners delves into the shadowy world of security and national defence to shine a light on the influence they hold in Canadian society.

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North of America

Canadians and the American Century, 1945–60

UBC Press

North of America takes a fresh, sharp-eyed look at how Canadians of all stripes reacted to political, economic, and cultural events and influences emanating from postwar America.

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Statesmen, Strategists, and Diplomats

Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Making of Foreign Policy

Foreword by John R. English; Edited by Patrice Dutil
UBC Press

Statesmen, Strategists, and Diplomats is an incisive look at the history of Canadian foreign policy through the actions of prime ministers from Sir John A. Macdonald to Justin Trudeau.

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King and Chaos

The 1935 Canadian General Election

UBC Press

King and Chaos is the first close study of the issues, personalities, and significance of the 1935 federal election, a turning point that fractured the two-party system and permanently changed Canada’s political landscape.

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The Slow Rush of Colonization

Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680–1790

UBC Press

This history analyzes over one hundred years of complex interactions between the Mi’kmaw, Wabanaki, Peskotomuhkati, Wolastoqiyik, French, and English to show the continuity of Indigenous independence from the European newcomers.

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The Fire Still Burns

Life In and After Residential School

UBC Press, Purich Books

The Fire Still Burns is a tale of survival and redemption through which Squamish Elder Sam George recounts his residential school experience and how it led to a life of addiction, violence, and imprisonment until he found the courage to face his past and begin healing.

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We Shall Persist

Women and the Vote in the Atlantic Provinces

UBC Press

We Shall Persist is the first book to detail the distinctive political contexts and common problems that characterized campaigns for women’s suffrage and other rights in Atlantic Canada.

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People, Politics, and Purpose

Biography and Canadian Political History

UBC Press

People, Politics, and Purpose investigates the roles and reputations of a wide array of political actors, offering insight into Canada’s place in the world and stimulating fresh thinking about political biography.

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Clara at the Door with a Revolver

The Scandalous Black Suspect, the Exemplary White Son, and the Murder That Shocked Toronto

UBC Press, On Point Press

Gender, race, and politics in late-nineteenth-century Toronto swirl around this riveting true story of the murder of Frank Westwood and the controversial acquittal of the main suspect, Clara Ford – a cross-dressing Black single mother.

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