Unlikely Diplomats
The Canadian Brigade in Germany, 1951-64
An original and critical account of the evolution of the Canadian Army and Canada’s relationship with NATO in the Cold War era.
Feminist History in Canada
New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation
This new collection of original research demonstrates the continued relevance of the feminist history project in Canada.
A National Force
The Evolution of Canada’s Army, 1950-2000
A groundbreaking reassessment of when, and why, Canada’s army broke away from its British imperial roots to become a truly national force.
A Small Price to Pay
Consumer Culture on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45
A long-overdue challenge to the commonplace assumption that the Second World War was a period of consumer austerity in Canada.
Building Sanctuary
The Movement to Support Vietnam War Resisters in Canada, 1965-73
This book brings to light the activities and influence of the anti-draft groups that sprang up to build support for American Vietnam war resisters in Canada.
Canada’s Global Villagers
CUSO in Development, 1961-86
An authoritative history of an organization that engaged thousands of young Canadians in the practice and politics of international development.
Death or Deliverance
Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War
In this eye-opening account of military law in the Great War, courts martials emerge not as brutal, merciless dispensers of frontline justice but as courts capable of mercy.
Consuming Modernity
Gendered Behaviour and Consumerism before the Baby Boom
Placing Canada in an international context, this book explores the intersections of gender, modernity, and consumerism from 1919 to 1945.
Where Happiness Dwells
A History of the Dane-zaa First Nations
This innovative blend of oral history and anthropological commentary documents how the Dane-zaa survived and flourished for millennia in northern BC.
Canoe Nation
Nature, Race, and the Making of a Canadian Icon
An exploration of the canoe and its role in Canadian culture, nature, and colonial past.