Gardening for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Special Educational Needs
Engaging with Nature to Combat Anxiety, Promote Sensory Integration and Build Social Skills
A practical introduction to using gardening with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and special needs to teach valuable social, emotional and sensory skills.
Autism All-Stars
How We Use Our Autism and Asperger Traits to Shine in Life
Writers from around the world - including Temple Grandin, Donna Williams, Deborah Lipsky, and Wendy Lawson -- share their experiences of creating a successful life on the autism spectrum.
The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome
Written from personal experiences by three women married to men on the Autism Spectrum who interviewed over a hundred people in their situation, this book explores all the common areas of difficultly in an Asperger and non-spectrum relationship from both perspectives.
Trueman Bradley: Aspie Detective
Trueman Bradley – Aspie Detective is a fantasy adventure that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in Asperger's Syndrome.
How Everyone on the Autism Spectrum, Young and Old, Can Become Resilient, Be More Optimistic, Enjoy Humour, Be Kind, and Increase Self-Efficacy
This complete "toolkit" provides teachers, parents, and other caregivers with everything they need to know to use positive psychology strategies to support children with ASD.
A Beginner's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Essential Information for Parents and Professionals
This concise and straight-talking guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder will ensure parents, carers, teachers and other professionals feel confident, informed and able to cope with the road ahead.
Business for Aspies
42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully
Ashley Stanford addresses all of the issues that can arise once a person with AS secures employment, through the eyes of both employee and employer.
My Child Has Autism, Now What?
10 Steps to Get You Started
This concise, no-nonsense book will enable parents to regain control of the situation and take the first practical steps towards a calm and happy life with their newly-diagnosed child.