Designing and Building
Rockhill and Associates
This book outlines twelve projects from the Kansas architectural practice of Rockhill and Associates, spanning from their early design-build work to their more recent projects.
Atelier BUILD
Architectural Signatures Canada has been developed by Dalhousie Architectural Press to illuminate the work of emerging architects and designers across Canada and promote a widening debate about ideas, architecture, and design.
Architecture e+c
Work of Elin + Carmen Corneil, 1958 to 2008
This publication documents the travelling exhibition of the Corneils’ work which opened as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Carleton School of Architecture in October 2008.
Free Lab
Design-build projects from the School of Architecture, Dalhousie University, Canada, 1991-2006
A selection of 44 projects from the 20-year old design-build summer laboratory offered at Dalhousie University School of Architecture, in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Responsive Textile Environments
Companion publication for the Metabolic Network Sensory CDRN workshop, Oct. 1-2, 2007, held in conjunction with the ACADIA conference "Expanding Bodies" in Halifax, NS.
Expanding Bodies
Art, Cities, Environment
Companion publication for the ACADIA conference “Expanding Bodies” held in Halifax, NS, October 4-7, 2007.