Showing 111-120 of 128 items.

Ways of Knowing

Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha

UBC Press

Drawing on twelve years of fieldwork at Chateh, Jean-Guy Goulet delineates the interconnections between the strands of meaning and experience with which the Dene Tha constitute and creatively engage their world.

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Fraser Canyon Histories 1808-1939

UBC Press

Juxtaposing historical narratives and cultural interpretation, this book explores the history of Spuzzum and the Nlaka'pamux people on the turbulent Fraser River.

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Cultural Memory and Biodiversity

The University of Arizona Press

Interweaving a wealth of ecological and cognitive data with oral history, Nazarea details a "memory banking" protocol for collecting and conserving cultural information to complement the genetic, agronomic, and biochemical characterization of important crops.

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The Social Life of Stories

Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory

UBC Press

In this illuminating study of indigenous oral narratives, Julie Cruikshank moves beyond the text to explore the social power and significance of storytelling.

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Our Tellings

Interior Salish Stories of the Nlha7kápmx People

UBC Press

Passed down through the generations for centuries, the traditional oral narratives of the Nlha7kápmx people of British Columbia elders reveals how they perceive their own history.

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Captured Heritage

The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts

UBC Press

Douglas Cole Examines the process of anthropological collecting on the Northwest Coast between 1875 and the Great Depression, in the context of the development of museums and anthropology.

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Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes

The Anthropology of Museums

UBC Press

Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes poses a number of probing questions about the role and responsibility of museums and anthropology in the contemporary world.

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Objects of Myth and Memory

American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Museum

UBC Press

Objects of Myth and Memory is the first publication devoted to the Brooklyn Museum's influential collection of Native American art of the Pacific Northwest

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Life Lived Like a Story

Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders

UBC Press

The life stories of three remarkable and gifted women of Athapaskan and Tlingit ancestry who were born in the southern Yukon Territory around the turn of the century - when storytelling provides a customary framework for discussing the past.

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The Curtain Within

Haida Social and Mythical Discourse

UBC Press

Explores the management of social roles and symbols to achieve various goals by people living in a modern Haida community.

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