A Field Guide to Snow
140 pages, 5 1/4 x 8
144 color plates
Release Date:15 Dec 2020

A Field Guide to Snow

SERIES: Snowy Owl
University of Alaska Press
People love snow. They love to ski and sled on it, snowshoe through it, and watch it fall from the sky. They love the way it blankets a landscape, making it look tranquil and beautiful. Few people, however, know how snow works. What makes it possible for us to slip and slide over, whether that’s falling on sidewalks or skiing down a mountain? What makes it cling to branches and street signs? What qualities of snow lead to avalanches?

In A Field Guide to Snow, veteran snow scientist Matthew Sturm answers those questions and more. Drawing on decades of study, he explains in clear and simple ways how and why snow works the way it does. The perfect companion a ski trip or a hike in the snowy woods, A Field Guide to Snow will give you a new appreciation for the science behind snow’s beauty.
Matthew Sturm is professor of geophysics at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks and the leader of the Snow-Ice-Permafrost Group at the Institute, the author of three books, and a fellow of the American Geophysical Union.
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