William H. Marquardt

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

Societies in Eclipse

Archaeology of the Eastern Woodlands Indians, A.D. 1400-1700

University of Alabama Press

Combines recent research with insights from anthropology, historiography, and oral tradition to examine the cultural landscape preceding and immediately following the arrival of Europeans

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The Calusa and Their Legacy

South Florida People and Their Environments

University Press of Florida

Rich with photographs and colorful drawings, this history of south Florida’s Calusa people presents a vivid picture of the natural environment and teeming estuaries along Florida’s coasts that sustained the Calusa.

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The Archaeology of Pineland

A Coastal Southwest Florida Site Complex, A.D. 50-1710

UF Ins. of Archaeology & Paleo Studies
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Missions to the Calusa

Edited and translated by John H. Hann; Edited by William H. Marquardt
University Press of Florida

This compilation of historical documents includes letters, reports, and accounts written by Europeans during the colonization of Southwest Florida, offering insights into Spanish contact with the Calusa.

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