The Proposal Economy
Neoliberal Citizenship in “Ontario’s Most Historic Town”
This book, based on extended ethnographic and multi-method research in a small town in Canada, adds new perspectives on the ways that citizenship is produced and reproduced under conditions of neoliberalism.
Public Produce
Cultivating Our Parks, Plazas, and Streets for Healthier Cities, Revised Edition
An updated look at the advantages and possibilities of urban agriculture in public spaces.
Segmented Cities?
How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics
This book examines how urbanization and pluralization are shaping the world’s cities and what can be done to encourage integration and minimize ethnic and nationalist tensions.
Indigenous in the City
Contemporary Identities and Cultural Innovation
This book explores the complexity of urban Indigeneity in Canada and internationally and positions urban areas as places of Indigenous resilience and cultural innovation.
Land Politics and Livelihoods on the Margins of Hanoi, 1920-2010
An engaging study of the rapid urbanization of a former village subsumed by the expanding city of Hanoi.
How to Study Public Life
Methods in Urban Design
The Hidden Potential of Sustainable Neighborhoods
Lessons from Low-Carbon Communities
Measuring Urban Design
Metrics for Livable Places
Inventing Stanley Park
An Environmental History
A timely exploration of how the interplay between attitudes toward nature, parks policy, public memory, and the force of nature helped shape one of the world’s most famous urban parks.
Designing Suburban Futures
New Models from Build a Better Burb
Social Transformation in Rural Canada
Community, Cultures, and Collective Action
A series of stories, ideas, and insights into the social dynamics of change within rural Canada that help communities forge new ways of understanding and relating to each other and to the broader world.
Planning as if People Matter
Governing for Social Equity
This book goes beyond theory to give real-world examples of how better planning can level inequities.
Stewardship of the Built Environment
Sustainability, Preservation, and Reuse
Stewardship of the Built Environment shows how rehabilitating and reusing existing structures holds untapped potential for achieving sustainable communities.