The University Press of Florida
Founded in 1945, the University Press of Florida is the official publisher of the State University System of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 books since its inception and currently releases approximately 80 new titles each year. Its publishing strengths include archaeology, history, literature, Latin American studies, African American studies, space studies, sustainability, and Florida history and culture. UPF engages educators, students, and discerning readers by producing works of global significance, regional importance, and lasting value.
University Press of Florida also includes the imprint, University of Florida Press.
Showing 1,009-1,020 of 2,032 items.
Day Hiking Southwest Florida
A Guide to the Best Trail Adventures in Greater Naples and Fort Myers
University Press of Florida
Trends and Traditions in Southeastern Zooarchaeology
Edited by Tanya M. Peres
University Press of Florida
African Spiritual Traditions in the Novels of Toni Morrison
University Press of Florida
Cuba in a Global Context
International Relations, Internationalism, and Transnationalism
Edited by Catherine Krull
University Press of Florida
Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin America
Edited by Kwame Dixon and John Burdick
University Press of Florida
Winning While Losing
Civil Rights, The Conservative Movement and the Presidency from Nixon to Obama
Edited by Kenneth Osgood and Derrick E. White
University Press of Florida
Indians and Wannabes
Native American Powwow Dancing in the Northeast and Beyond
University Press of Florida
The Archaeology of French and Indian War Frontier Forts
Edited by Lawrence E. Babits and Stephanie Gandulla
University Press of Florida
From Sit-Ins to SNCC
The Student Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
Edited by Iwan Morgan and Philip Davies
University Press of Florida
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