Founded in 1945, the University Press of Florida is the official publisher of the State University System of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 books since its inception and currently releases approximately 80 new titles each year. Its publishing strengths include archaeology, history, literature, Latin American studies, African American studies, space studies, sustainability, and Florida history and culture. UPF engages educators, students, and discerning readers by producing works of global significance, regional importance, and lasting value.
University Press of Florida also includes the imprint, University of Florida Press.
The Life and Crimes of Railroad Bill
Legendary African American Desperado
The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape
Remembering Paradise Park
Tourism and Segregation at Silver Springs
Hotel Ponce de Leon
The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Flagler's Gilded Age Palace
Hotel Ponce de Leon is the first work to present the building’s complete history and detail its transformation into the heart of Flagler College.
Alligators in B-Flat
Improbable Tales from the Files of Real Florida
Healing Plants
Medicine of the Florida Seminole Indians
The first published record of Florida Seminole herbal medicine and ancient healing practices, Healing Plants is a colorfully illustrated compendium of knowledge and practices passed down orally to Alice Snow from generations of her Native American ancestors.