Founded in 1945, the University Press of Florida is the official publisher of the State University System of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 books since its inception and currently releases approximately 80 new titles each year. Its publishing strengths include archaeology, history, literature, Latin American studies, African American studies, space studies, sustainability, and Florida history and culture. UPF engages educators, students, and discerning readers by producing works of global significance, regional importance, and lasting value.
University Press of Florida also includes the imprint, University of Florida Press.
Florida Trail Hikes
Top Scenic Destinations on Florida's National Scenic Trail
A guide to the best scenic day hikes and overnight trips along the state-spanning Florida Trail, this book helps readers of all backgrounds and experience levels plan an adventure exploring natural Florida.
- Copyright year: 2024
Exploring Ontologies of the Precontact Americas
From Individual Bodies to Bodies of Social Theory
- Copyright year: 2024
Corporeal Readings of Cuban Literature and Art
The Body, the Inhuman, and Ecological Thinking
Examining how Cuban writers and artists have depicted racial, gender, and species differences throughout the past century, this book discusses how their works have emphasized the shared materiality of bodies across diverse media, time periods, and ideologies.
- Copyright year: 2024
Sherds of History
Domestic Life in Colonial Guadeloupe
This book examines ceramic artifacts from the island of Guadeloupe to reveal information about daily life in the French colonial Caribbean.
An Introduction to Jean Bodel
In this book, Lynn Ramey explores the life and works of Jean Bodel, a twelfth-century French poet, playwright, and epic writer, providing translations and summaries of works never published before in English while delving into Bodel’s historical and cultural context.
- Copyright year: 2024
The Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration
New Deal Public Works, Modernization, and Colonial Reform
This book explores the history and impact of an important New Deal program that improved living conditions across Puerto Rico in the wake of destructive hurricanes and the Great Depression, while at the same time resulting in a strengthened colonial relationship between the island and the United States.
- Copyright year: 2024
Space Policy for the Twenty-First Century
A foundational resource for both students and professionals, this book provides a comprehensive, accessible overview of major space policies in the United States and a framework through which to analyze them.
- Copyright year: 2024
Selling Vero Beach
Settler Myths in the Land of the Aís and Seminole
This book explores how settlers from northern states created myths about the Indian River area on Florida’s Atlantic Coast, importing ideas about the region’s Indigenous peoples and rewriting its history to market the land to investors and tourists.
- Copyright year: 2024
Decoding the Codex Borgia
Visual Symbols of Time and Space in Ancient Mexico
This book explores the rich symbolism of the Codex Borgia, a masterpiece of Precolumbian art dating to the fifteenth century, showing how the manuscript’s intricate and colorful imagery conveys complex ideas related to Mesoamerican myths and religion.
Sustainability in Ancient Island Societies
An Archaeology of Human Resilience
This volume explores the impacts humans have made on island and coastal ecosystems and the ways these environments have adapted to anthropogenic changes over the course of millennia.
- Copyright year: 2024
From Saloons to Steak Houses
A History of Tampa
This book takes readers on a journey into Tampa’s historic bars, theaters, gambling halls, soup kitchens, clubs, and restaurants, telling the story of the city’s past through these fascinating social spaces—many of which can’t be found in official histories.
Tampa Bay
The Story of an Estuary and Its People
This book explores the environmental history of the largest open water estuary in Florida, revealing how people have interacted with nature throughout the long history of Tampa Bay.
- Copyright year: 2024