Founded in 1945, the University Press of Florida is the official publisher of the State University System of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 books since its inception and currently releases approximately 80 new titles each year. Its publishing strengths include archaeology, history, literature, Latin American studies, African American studies, space studies, sustainability, and Florida history and culture. UPF engages educators, students, and discerning readers by producing works of global significance, regional importance, and lasting value.
University Press of Florida also includes the imprint, University of Florida Press.
Freedom and Resistance
A Social History of Black Loyalists in the Bahamas
After the American Revolution, enslaved and free blacks who had been loyal to the British cause arrived in the Bahamas, drawn by British promises of liberty and land. Freedom and Resistance shows how Black Loyalists struggled to find freedom, clashing with white loyalists who tried either to bind them to illegal indentured contracts or to enslave them.
Flora of Florida, Volume IV
Dicotyledons, Combretaceae through Amaranthaceae
The Paradox of Paternalism
Women and the Politics of Authoritarianism in the Dominican Republic
Captain "Hell Roaring" Mike Healy
From American Slave to Arctic Hero
Bones of Complexity
Bioarchaeological Case Studies of Social Organization and Skeletal Biology
Istwa across the Water
Haitian History, Memory, and the Cultural Imagination
Gathering oral stories and visual art from Haiti and two of its "motherlands" in Africa, Istwa across the Water recovers the submerged histories of the island through methods drawn from its deep spiritual and cultural traditions.
Simplicity, Equality, and Slavery
An Archaeology of Quakerism in the British Virgin Islands, 1740-1780
- Copyright year: 2017
Multiethnicity and Migration at Teopancazco
Investigations of a Teotihuacan Neighborhood Center
This detailed volume looks at 116 formal burials in Teopancazco, a powerful neighborhood that controlled the distribution of foreign raw materials from Teotihuacan toward Nautla in Veracruz.
We Come for Good
Archaeology and Tribal Historic Preservation at the Seminole Tribe of Florida
We Come for Good describes the development and operations of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) of the Seminole Tribe of Florida as an example of how tribes can successfully manage and retain authority over the heritage of their respective cultures.