The University Press of Florida

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Founded in 1945, the University Press of Florida is the official publisher of the State University System of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 books since its inception and currently releases approximately 80 new titles each year. Its publishing strengths include archaeology, history, literature, Latin American studies, African American studies, space studies, sustainability, and Florida history and culture. UPF engages educators, students, and discerning readers by producing works of global significance, regional importance, and lasting value.

University Press of Florida also includes the imprint, University of Florida Press.

Showing 697-708 of 2,032 items.

Archaeology of the Everglades

Edited by John W. Griffin
University Press of Florida
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The Anthropology of Marriage in Lowland South America

Bending and Breaking the Rules

University Press of Florida
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Island Shores, Distant Pasts

Archaeological and Biological Approaches to the Pre-Columbian Settlement of the Caribbean

University Press of Florida
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Journeys Through Paradise

Pioneering Naturalists in the Southeast

University Press of Florida
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Contrary Destinies

A Century of America's Occupation, Deoccupation, and Reoccupation of Haiti

University Press of Florida
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The Generalship of Muhammad

Battles and Campaigns of the Prophet of Allah

University Press of Florida

In The Generalship of Muhammad, Russ Rodgers charts a new path by merging original sources with the latest in military theory to examine Muhammad’s military strengths and weaknesses.

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Freedom and Resistance

A Social History of Black Loyalists in the Bahamas

University Press of Florida

After the American Revolution, enslaved and free blacks who had been loyal to the British cause arrived in the Bahamas, drawn by British promises of liberty and land. Freedom and Resistance shows how Black Loyalists struggled to find freedom, clashing with white loyalists who tried either to bind them to illegal indentured contracts or to enslave them.

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Flora of Florida, Volume IV

Dicotyledons, Combretaceae through Amaranthaceae

University Press of Florida
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The Paradox of Paternalism

Women and the Politics of Authoritarianism in the Dominican Republic

University Press of Florida
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