Showing 1-15 of 390 items.

Nursery Rhymes in Black


University of Alaska Press

Nursery Rhymes in Black is a poetic recollection of race, roots, culture, and identity. Paying homage to the memory and work of elders and ancestors, Latorial Faison remembers her own matriarch, mother, grandmother—the rich memories of having grown up in rural, historic Southampton County, Virginia. 

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Our Story in Many Voices

The Alaska State Museum Catalog and Guide

University of Alaska Press

Alaska preserves and exhibits its own culture and history in the Andrew P. Kashevaroff Building in Juneau, the home of the State Library, Archives, and Museum. With this catalogue and guide, the meaning of the museum exhibits gains new depth. 

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Brown Bears in Alaska's National Parks

Conservation of a Wilderness Icon

University of Alaska Press

Brown bears are powerful symbols of wilderness, thriving in the vast, untamed ecosystems of Alaska’s remote national parks. Brown Bears in Alaska’s National Parks is a unique and thorough exploration of the conservation, ecology, and management of brown bears in these parks, including examinations of bear biology, human-bear interactions, population estimation methods, and the effects of climate change on bear populations. 

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Angalkut/Shamans in Yup'ik Oral Tradition

Edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan; Translated by Alice Rearden and Marie Meade
University of Alaska Press

Angalkut/Shamans in Yup’ik Oral Tradition collects over thirty years’ worth of shaman stories, told as part of gatherings organized by the Calista Elders Council to document Yup’ik traditional knowledge. These conversations highlight the critical role angalkutplayed in Yup’ik life—healing the sick, interpreting dreams and unusual experiences, requesting future abundance through masked dances and other ceremonies, protecting the lives of young children, and dealing with the dead.

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Two Women in the Klondike

University of Alaska Press
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Uncommon Weather

Alaska Stories

University of Alaska Press
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A Dictionary of Modern Consternation

University of Alaska Press

This cheeky dictionary-shaped exploration is a genre-bending nonfiction lyric following one family through the years from the financial crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Gagaan X'usyee/Below the Foot of the Sun


University of Alaska Press

Identity and understanding are fluid and plural, yet the histories of violence and oppression influence and shape everything in the world because the past, present, and future exist in the same plane and at the same time. Gagaan Xʼusyee / Beneath the Foot of the Sun is a unique collection of Indigenous cultural work and Lingít literature in the tradition of Nora Marks Dauenhauer, and in the broader contemporary company of Joy Harjo and Sherwin Bitsui.

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Stronger Together / Kammanatut Atausigun / Iknaqataghaghluta Qerngaamta

Bering Strait Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

University of Alaska Press

A collection of first-person narratives offering a vivid, nuanced look at the lived and shared experiences of Bering Strait communities in the COVID-19 era, Stronger Together is a unique collaboration between the Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum in Nome, Alaska, and over forty community members, artists, and poets from across the Bering Strait region.

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Iñupiat of the Sii

Historical Ethnography and Arctic Challenges

University of Alaska Press

Iñupiat of the Sii is a firsthand account of Wanni and Douglas Anderson’s lived experiences during eight field seasons of archaeological and ethnographic research in Selawik, Alaska, from 1968 to 1994. 

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Natchiq Grows Up

The Story of an Alaska Ringed Seal Pup and Her Changing Home

University of Alaska Press

This is the story of Natchiq, the ringed seal pup, growing up in her snow cave on the sea ice in northern Alaska with her mom Siku.

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The Upper Tanana Dene

People of This Land

University of Alaska Press

The Upper Tanana Deneconveys the history and knowledge of Dene elders to current and future generations.

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Trouble Will Save You

Three Novellas

University of Alaska Press
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Dall Sheep Dinner Guest:

Inupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska

University of Alaska Press
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The Gwich’in Climate Report

Edited by Matt Gilbert; Compiled by Matt Gilbert
University of Alaska Press

A regional climate impact and adaptation report from the Gwich'in Athabascans of Interior Alaska,
The Gwich’in Climate Report is a compilation of transcribed interviews between Matt Gilbert and northern Alaska Gwich’in Athabascan community members, elders, hunters, and trappers.

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