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Training the Excluded for Work
288 pages, 6 x 9
11 b&w illustrations, 13 tables
Release Date:01 Jan 2004
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Training the Excluded for Work

Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth, and People with Low Income

UBC Press

In recent years job training programs have suffered severe fundingcuts and the focus of training programs has shifted to meet thedirectives of funders rather than the needs of the community. How dothese changes to job training affect disadvantaged workers and theunemployed?

In an insightful and comprehensive discussion of job education inCanada, Cohen and her contributors pool findings from a five-yearcollaborative study of training programs. Good training programs, theyargue, are essential in providing people who are chronicallydisadvantaged in the workplace with tools to acquire more secure,better-paying jobs. In the ongoing shift toward a neo-liberal economicmodel, government policies have engendered a growing reliance onprivate and market-based training schemes. These new training policieshave undermined equity.

In an attempt to redress social inequities in the workplace, theauthors examine various kinds of training programs and recommendspecific policy initiatives to improve access to these programs. Thisbook will be of interest to policymakers, academics, and studentsinterested in policy, work, equity, gender and education.

Marjorie Griffin Cohen is a member of the Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University.
Figures and Tables




1. Who Wins, Who Loses: The Real Story of the Transfer of Training to the Provinces and Its Impact on Women / Ursule Critoph
2. Snakes and Ladders: Coherence in Training for Office Workers / Alice de Wolff and Maureen Hynes
3. The Road to Equity: Training Women and First Nations on the Vancouver Island Highway / Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Kate Braid
4. Women’s Training and Equity on the Hibernia Construction Project / Sue Hart and Mark Shrimpton
5. The Culture of Construction: Or, Etiquette for the Nontraditional / Kate Braid
6. Hammering Their Way through the Barriers: Low-Income Women Retrain to Be Carpenters / Margaret Little
7. Training and Retraining Health Workers amid Health Care Restructuring, Downsizing, and Rationalization: The Case of Health Care Aides / Larry Haiven and Liz Quinlan
8. Community Skills Training by and for Immigrant Women / Margaret Manery and Marjorie Griffin Cohen
9. Life Skills Training: "Open for Discussion" / Shauna Butterwick
10. Pathways to Employment for Women: Apprenticeship or College Training? / Robert Sweet
11. Public Policy and Women’s Access to Training in New Brunswick / Joan McFarland
12. Still Shopping for Training: Women, Training, and Livelihoods / Karen Lior and Susan Wismer
13. Youth Employment Programs in British Columbia: Taking the High Road or the Low Road? / Linda Wong and Stephen McBride
14. Training Youth at Risk: A Model Program in Quebec / Sylvain Bourdon and Frédéric Deschenaux



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