Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1897-1937
Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern ChineseNation-State is an innovative account of educational and socialtransformations in politically tumultuous early twentieth-centuryChina. It focuses on the unique nature of Chinese teachers’schools, which bridged Chinese and Western ideals, and the criticalrole that these schools played in the changes sweeping Chinese society.It also documents their role in the empowerment of women and theproduction of grassroots forces leading to the CommunistRevolution.
Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern ChineseNation-State will attract attention from scholars in Asianstudies, Chinese history, educational history, and comparative studies,and will also appeal to graduate and undergraduate students in thesefields.
- 2008, Winner - Academic Award for Excellence, Chinese Historians in the US
A major contribution to the study of teachers’ schools in Republican China. Xiaoping Cong’s work helps us understand why China’s rural society and lasting feudal structure were transformed and dismantled during the Republican period and also what led to the success of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949. It will be an important reading for students and scholars of Chinese intellectual history, women’s history, and education.
The last decade has seen a burgeoning of research on ‘modern’ Chinese education and educational history. Xiaoping Cong’s book stands out because of its important focus on the social role of teacher preparation institutions in the pre-Second World War period. One of its key contributions, particularly for an English-speaking audience, is its extensive use of Chinese language scholarship and archival information.
1 The Imperial School System and Education Reform in the Second Halfof the Nineteenth Century: A Historical Review
2 Education and Society in Transition: The Rise of Teachers’Schools, 1897-1911
3 Pursuing Modernization in Trying Times: Teachers’ Schoolsfrom 1912-22
4 Modernity and the Village: The Emergence of VillageTeachers’ Schools, 1922-30
5 Nationalizing the Local: Teachers’ Schools in RuralReconstruction, 1930-37
6 Transforming the Revolution: Social and Political Aspects ofTeachers’ Schools, 1930-37