The Media Gaze
Representations of Diversities in Canada
The Media Gaze is an eye-opening exposé of how mainstream media depictions are ideologically raced, gendered, classed, sexualized, secularized, and ageist.
Controlling Knowledge
Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World
How current legislation governs privacy and freedom in the digital age.
Child and Youth Care
Critical Perspectives on Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy
This book reconceptualizes child and youth care by bringing critical and postmodern perspectives to bear on practices, programs, and policies.
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care
This volume addresses the theoretical and practical relationships among the feminization of migrant labour, the ethics of care, and social policy in the new global economy.
Age, Gender, and Work
Small Information Technology Firms in the New Economy
A unique examination of how age and gender inform the workplace and its culture in the new knowledge-based economy.
Orienting Canada
Race, Empire, and the Transpacific
A hard-hitting reconsideration of Canadian foreign policy, Orienting Canada meticulously documents the dynamics of race and empire in the Transpacific from the 1907 race riots to Canada’s early involvement in Vietnam.
Beyond Blood
Rethinking Indigenous Identity
Despite what the criteria of the Indian Act states regarding Aboriginal status, Palmater argues that blood should not determine belonging.
Transforming Law's Family
The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood
Drawing on the rarely heard voices of Canada’s lesbian mothers, Transforming Law’s Family explores the legal dimensions of planned lesbian parenthood and proposes avenues for legal change.
Through Feminist Eyes
Essays on Canadian Women’s History
Through Feminist Eyes gathers in one volume the most incisive and insightful essays written to date by the distinguished Canadian historian Joan Sangster.
The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
This book documents the religious beliefs and cultural practices that helped sustain and lend meaning to Chinese bachelors in smaller towns and cities of Manitoba.