Showing 1-10 of 104 items.

The New Death

Mortality and Death Care in the Twenty-First Century

University of New Mexico Press

The New Death brings together scholars who are intrigued by today's rapidly changing death practices and attitudes.

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Ethnographic Refusals, Unruly Latinidades

University of New Mexico Press

The essays in this collection do not offer simple solutions to histories of colonialism, patriarchy, and misogyny through which gender binaries and racial hierarches have been imposed and reproduced, but rather provide a crucial opportunity for reflection on and continued reimagination of the contours of Latinidad.

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Designs and Anthropologies

Frictions and Affinities

Edited by Keith M. Murphy and Eitan Y. Wilf; Afterword by Arturo Escobar
University of New Mexico Press

The chapters in this captivating volume demonstrate the importance and power of design and the ubiquitous and forceful effects it has on human life within the study of anthropology.

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Trumpism, Mexican America, and the Struggle for Latinx Citizenship

University of New Mexico Press

Driven by the overwhelming political urgency of the moment, the contributors to this volume seek to frame Trumpism's origins and political effects.

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Archaeologies of Empire

Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories

University of New Mexico Press

This book demonstrates how archaeological research can contribute to our conceptualization of empires across disciplinary boundaries.

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Walling In and Walling Out

Why Are We Building New Barriers to Divide Us?

University of New Mexico Press

The contributors to this volume illuminate the roles and uses of walls around the world--in contexts ranging from historic neighborhoods to contemporary national borders.

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The Psychology of Women under Patriarchy

University of New Mexico Press

These feminist scholars bridge preexisting divides between bio-psychological, sociological, and cultural perspectives to explain the ways that women's desires, goals, and identities interact with culturally situated systems in order to develop more complex theories about the psychological underpinnings of patriarchy and to inform more socially progressive policies to improve the lives of women and men globally.

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How Nature Works

Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet

University of New Mexico Press

The authors of this volume push ethnographic inquiry beyond the anthropocentric documentation of human work on nature in order to develop a language for thinking about how all labor is a collective ecological act.

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Governing Gifts

Faith, Charity, and the Security State

University of New Mexico Press

Ultimately the book aims to expand the parameters of what has typically been a US-centric discussion of faith-based interventions as it explores the concepts of faith, charity, security, and governance within a global perspective.

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Negotiating Structural Vulnerability in Cancer Control

University of New Mexico Press

The contributors utilize insights gained from studies on cancer to extend structural vulnerability beyond its original conceptualization to encompass spatiality, temporality, and biosocial shifts in both individual and institutional arrangements.

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