Richard R. Paine
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
The Evolution of Human Life History
Edited by Kristen Hawkes and Richard R. Paine
School for Advanced Research Press
Human beings may share 98 percent of their genetic makeup with their nonhuman primate cousins, but they have distinctive life histories. When and why did these uniquely human patterns evolve? To answer that question, this volume brings together specialists in hunter-gatherer behavioral ecology and demography, human growth, development, and nutrition, paleodemography, human paleontology, primatology, and the genomics of aging.
- Copyright year: 2006
Urbanism in the Preindustrial World
Cross-Cultural Approaches
Edited by Glenn R. Storey
University of Alabama Press
A baseline study of the growth of preindustrial cities worldwide.
- Copyright year: 2006
Urbanism in the Preindustrial World
Cross-Cultural Approaches
Edited by Glenn R. Storey
University of Alabama Press
A baseline study of the growth of preindustrial cities worldwide.
- Copyright year: 2006
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