Holding the Line
Borders in a Global World
This volume contains contributions from twenty-four scholars concerning the significance and implications of the world’s borderlands in economic, political, and socio-cultural contexts.
Advocacy Groups
This volume looks at who participates in advocacy groups, which kinds of groups dominate the political agenda, what influence lobbying has on the government, and how to make these groups a more vibrant and accountable part of political life in this country.
Social Policy and the Ethic of Care
Over the last twenty years, the feminist ethic of care has had a significant impact on the study of ethics and political philosophy. Hankivsky develops the concept of a publicly viable ethic of care, and applies it to several Canadian social policy issues.
Common Sense on Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. presents accessible, up-to-date facts on nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism, chemical and biological weapons, and small arms, and missile defense and WMDs in outer space.
Aboriginal Conditions
Research As a Foundation for Public Policy
Social science researchers from both within and outside of government collaborate to examine how research can and should be used as a foundation for the development of public policy.
“Real” Indians and Others
Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood
A pioneering look at how mixed-blood urban Native people understand their identities and struggle to survive in a world that often fails to recognize them.
Governing Ourselves?
The Politics of Canadian Communities
This stimulating text considers questions of influence and power within local institutions and decision-making processes using numerous illustrations from municipalities across Canada.
Representation and Democratic Theory
This volume investigates theoretical and practical aspects of innovative political representation in the early 21st century.
Political Parties
This book delves into the history, structure, mechanisms, and roles of Canada’s political parties.
Redrawing Local Government Boundaries
An International Study of Politics, Procedures, and Decisions
Offers a broad theoretical understanding of local government boundary reform and informs the wider scholarly discussion and debate regarding institutional change, state structures, and the areal jurisdiction of local governments.
Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court
Legal Mobilization and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
A cogent analysis of legal mobilization as a strategy for social and activist movements.
Misplaced Distrust
Policy Networks and the Environment in France, the United States, and Canada
A timely comparative study of state-network interactions in agro-environmental policy-making in the US, Canada, and France.
In the Long Run We're All Dead
The Canadian Turn to Fiscal Restraint
A superb analysis of how the decline of Canadian Keynesianism has made way for the emergence of politics organized around balanced budgets.
Hunters and Bureaucrats
Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon
A timely anthropological examination of the effect of land claims settlements and co-management of resources on the Kluane First Nation of the Southwest Yukon.
Shifting Boundaries
Aboriginal Identity, Pluralist Theory, and the Politics of Self-Government
Using relational pluralism as a theoretical lens, the author takes a fresh look at the complex issue of aboriginal self-government.
Hidden Agendas
How Journalists Influence the News
A controversial study showing how the political beliefs of journalists significantly affect the ideological slant of the news, skewing it further to the left than the political stance of the average Canadian.
Collective Insecurity
The Liberian Crisis, Unilateralism, and Global Order
A probing analysis and critique of the historical dysfunction of the post-colonial African state and the tragic collapse of Liberia.
Unnatural Law
Rethinking Canadian Environmental Law and Policy
This award-winning book comprehensively assesses of the strengths and weaknesses of Canadian environmental law.
Avoiding Armageddon
Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons, 1950-1963
An examination of Canadian military thinking on key issues of the nuclear age, such as deterrence, arms control, strategic stability, air defence, and the domestic acquisition of nuclear weapons.
Training the Excluded for Work
Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth, and People with Low Income
In an attempt to redress social inequities in the workplace, the authors examine various kinds of training programs and recommend specific policy initiatives to improve access to these programs.
The Integrity Gap
Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions
This thoughtful collection exposes the gap between rhetoric and performance in Canada’s response to environmental challenges.
Globalization and Well-Being
Throughout this concise and elegant book, John Helliwell emphasizes well-being as an explicit focus for research and for public policies.
Who are Canada's Aboriginal Peoples?
Recognition, Definition, and Jurisdiction
Timely, innovative, and progressive, this collection provides an essential frame of reference to measure the development of Aboriginal legal policy respecting recognition, definition and jurisdiction in Canada.
Sex and Borders
Gender, National Identity and Prostitution Policy in Thailand
A compelling exploration of the complex relationship between Thai national identity and prostitution and gender.
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
One of the first empirical analyses of the interaction of the media, the public, and policymakers in Canada, this book makes an important contribution to the study of political communications and policymaking well beyond the Canadian context.
Gendering Government
Feminist Engagement with the State in Australia and Canada
This comparative study examines feminist engagement with a broad range of political institutions in Australia and Canada.
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
Essays on the Problem of Political Community
A brilliant, ambitious rethinking of the nature of political community and the challenges to modern citizenship by one of Canada's foremost political scientists.
First Do No Harm
Making Sense of Canadian Health Reform
Is there a crisis in Canadian health care? This book provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of health care in Canada and examine various ideas for reforming the system sensibly.
The Cost of Climate Policy
We all want to reduce the risks of global warming, but how much will this cost? What will it mean on a personal, business, or community level? What policy responses should we expect from our governments?
A Trading Nation
Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization
This brilliantly crafted overview and analysis of the historical foundations of modern Canadian trade policy is the first survey to address the history of Canadian commercial policy in over fifty years.
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
Globalization, Culture, and the State
The Indian Association of Alberta
A History of Political Action
Best known for its role in spearheading the protest against the infamous 1969 White Paper produced by the Department of Indian Affairs, the Indian Association of Alberta played a critical role in mobilizing First Nations peoples to political action.
Planning Canadian Regions
The first book to consolidate the history, evolution, current practice, and future prospects for regional planning in Canada.
Canada and the Beijing Conference on Women
Governmental Politics and NGO Participation
An examination of how Canada’s policies for the Fourth World Conference on Women were formulated.
At the Edge
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
This timely book argues for governance based on human responsibility and recognition of the interconnectedness of human and natural systems.
Diplomatic Departures
The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy, 1984 - 93
The first major scholarly examination of the foreign policy of the Mulroney Conservative era, this collection analyzes free trade with the U.S., a continentalized energy policy, the transformation of peacekeeping into peacemaking, and other departures from traditional Canadian statecraft.