China in the 1990s, 2nd Edition
Now updated with a chapter-length afterword by the editors on the end of the Deng era and its aftermath, this book provides a comprehensive survey of a nation in transition.
Talk and Log
Wilderness Politics in British Columbia
A comprehensive account of the rise of the wilderness movement in British Columbia examines the forest industry's political strategies, and analyzes the inner workings of the policy process.
Canada and Quebec
One Country, Two Histories: Revised Edition
In this revised edition of Canada and Quebec, Robert Bothwell describes the lead-up to the October 1995 referendum and traces political developments from its immediate aftermath to the present.
Mr. Smith Goes to Ottawa
Life in the House of Commons
Compares the 34th (1988-93) and the 35th (1993-97) Parliaments, where, despite major electoral shifts, the majority of the men and women who go to Ottawa end up accepting limited policy roles, effecting only minor shifts in government.
Walking in Indian Moccasins
The Native Policies of Tommy Douglas and the CCF
This landmark study examines the Tommy Douglas's Co-operative Commonwealth Federation government - the first socialist government in North America - and the development of policies aimed at Indian and Metis people in the post-war period.
The International Politics of Whaling
The International Politics of Whaling examines contemporary whaling issues with an emphasis on three factors: our knowledge of whales and current whale populations and the impact of whaling; the actors and institutions involved in the debate over whaling; and the ethical dimension.
The Emergence of Social Security in Canada
Third Edition
The first and most detailed history of Canadian social security from colonial times to the present, The Emergence of Social Security in Canada has become a standard text in social work and related courses in post-secondary institutions across Canada, since its publication in 1980.