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Asia Pacific
New Geographies of the Pacific Rim
The great processes reshaping our world today can be summed up bythe term "globalisation". Together with the communicationsrevolution and massive urbanisation, it is reshaping theorganisation ofglobal space. It is illustrated by technological change, pronouncedeconomic growth, the dominance of giant corporations, ever more openmarkets and universal consumption. Dramatic developments have occurredin Asia-Pacific trade, investment, labour movements and politicalcooperation, marked for example by APEC, a giant free-trade areadesigned to encompass about 60% of the world's population and halfthe world's economy.
But the processes also create social tension, political reaction andlocal resistance as a result of regional restructuring, wideningregional disparities, the neglect of backward areas or imposedmodernisation.
Asia Pacific: New Geographies of the Pacific Rim, writtenby leading scholars from the region, examines the extent to whichPacific Rim economies -- especially East Asia and Southeast Asia -- areincreasingly integrated, and considers the economic, political andcultural forces at work. In the process, many "newgeographies" are being created or reconstructed. At the same time,"the local-global dialectic" whereby local forces react to,negotiate with, resist or capitulate to global forces is examined.
Part I analyses globalisation and the emergence of sub-globalregions, Part II the processes of change in Asia-Pacific, and Part IIIthe national responses to globalisation. Part IV addresses localreactions to global forces: resistance, negotiatons or capitulation.Finally the editors enumerate the challenges to the region which centreon the crucial need to manage this era of globalisation so thatsustainable societies can continue. This vast region needs carefulmanagement of globalisation, in which the forces of free trade andeconomic growth are the central determinants. For the time being, theseforces seem to be in the ascendant.
Acknowledgments and Dedication
The Contributors
1. Introduction / T.G. McGee and R.F. Watters
Part I. Globalisation and the Emergence of Sub-GlobalRegions: The Case of the Asia-Pacific
2. Regional Integration, Internationalisation and the NewGeographies of the Pacific Rim / Dean Forbes
3. Globalisation, Urbanisation and the Emergence of Sub-GlobalRegions: A Case Study of the Asia-Pacific Region / T.G.McGee
4. Pacific Rim Trade and APEC / Ron Sandrey
5. Asia-Pacific Regional Integration and Human Rights /Christopher Tremewan
Part II. Processes of Change in the Asia-Pacific Region
6. Imitating the Rich: The Imperatives of Consumption / HarveyFranklin
7. An Agricultural Transition on the Pacific Rim: ExplorationsToward a Model / R.D. Hill
8. Japan's Foreign Direct Investment in the Pacific Rim,1985-1993 / Peter J. Rimmer
9. Effectiveness and Replicability of East Asian Industrial Policies/ Robert Wade
10. Facing the Urban Environmental Challenge / Yok-shiu F.Lee
Part III. National Responses to Globalisation in theAsia-Pacific Region
11. The East Asian Growth Model: South Korean Experience / R.M.Auty
12. The Rise of the Yen, 'Hollowing Out' and Japan'sTroubled Industries / David W. Edgington
13. China in the Year 2000: Prospects for the Late Reform Era /David S.G. Goodman
14. Taiwan's Economic Growth and Its Southward Policy in Asia /Gerald Chan
15. Population Change and Development in Indonesia / GraemeHugo
Part IV. Sites of Resistance, Negotiation andCapitulation
16. Intrusion of Global Forces and Transformation of a LocalChineses Economy: The Experience of Dongguan / George Chu-shengLin
17. Ideological Abstractions, Bureaucratic Imperatives and HumanCreativity: A Philippines Narrative / Warwick Armstrong
18. Ethnicity, Geography, History and Nationalism: A Future ofEthnic Strife for the Inland Border Peoples of Mainland Southeast Asia?/ John McKinnon
19. Transforming the Periphery: The Case of Sarawak, Malaysia /Philip S. Morrison
20. Resource Extraction and the Postcolonial State in SolomonIslands / Ian Frazer
21. Conclusion / T.G. McGee and R.F. Watters
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