At the Pleasure of the Crown
The Politics of Bureaucratic Appointments
At the Pleasure of the Crown reveals that although the qualities that Canadian governments look for in senior public servants are subject to change, the political nature of bureaucratic appointments is enduring.
Big Promises, Small Government
Doing Less with Less in the BC Liberal New Era
Big Promises, Small Government tells the inside story of what happened when Gordon Campbell’s government dramatically cut taxes, demonstrating the need to understand the consequences before taking political action.
Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic
Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic explores how three northern regions are reformulating the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state, and transforming Canadian federalism in the process.
Métis Politics and Governance in Canada
This timely book offers a novel, practical guide for understanding who the Métis are and the challenges they face on the path to self-government.
Delivering Policy
The Contested Politics of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Canada
Delivering Policy explores how the tension between science and politics shaped the long and fraught path to Canada’s Assisted Human Reproduction Act.
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia
Public Policy and Structural Development, 1960–2015
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia is a thoughtful critical analysis of the role of social justice, human capital, and the market in the development of institutions and public policy in BC education since 1960.
A Family Matter
Citizenship, Conjugal Relationships, and Canadian Immigration Policy
A Family Matter investigates the implications for immigrants and refugees of the Canadian government’s definition of what constitutes “family.”
A Healthy Society, Updated and Expanded Edition
How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy
A Healthy Society draws on one doctor’s experience in family practice, community building, and politics to envision a new approach to politics – and a healthier world.
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
Its Origins under Macdonald, Laurier, and Borden
Using innovative methods, this book shows how prime ministerial power was centralized from the very beginning of Confederation by Macdonald, Laurier, and Borden.
Building a Collaborative Advantage
Network Governance and Homelessness Policy-Making in Canada
This comparison of three major Canadian cities over a twenty-year period draws on network governance theory to show that effective homelessness policy must be built on inclusive, collaborative decision making that includes policy makers and civil-society actors.
The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy
Parliament, Politics, and Canada’s Global Posture
The first comprehensive analysis of Canadian foreign policy during the Harper era.
How Canadians Communicate VI
Food Promotion, Consumption, and Controversy
Queer Mobilizations
Social Movement Activism and Canadian Public Policy
Canada is considered a leader when it comes to LGBTQ rights, but as Queer Mobilizations shows, this has less to do with progressive politicians than with the work of queer activists who have fought for policy changes from their local city halls to the chambers of Parliament.
Points of Entry
How Canada’s Immigration Officers Decide Who Gets in
A renowned sociologist gains unprecedented access to Canadian immigration offices and reveals how visa officers determine who gets into Canada – and who stays out.