New Challenges for ASEAN
224 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
Release Date:01 Jan 1995
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

New Challenges for ASEAN

Emerging Policy Issues

Edited by Richard Stubbs
UBC Press

Over the past decade, the member countries of the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have experienced dramatic economicgrowth. But economic transformation has created a number of new policychallenges, which the ASEAN governments must address as they preparefor the twenty-first century.

New Challenges for ASEAN examines some of the mostimportant policy issues confronting ASEAN governments. These includethe degradation of the maritime and urban environments, new strains oninter-ethnic relations, domestic and international pressures to ensurethe protection of human rights, growing barriers to trade with theoutside world, and security concerns arising from a changing regionalbalance of power. The responses of the ASEAN governments to thesechallenges, at domestic, regional and international levels, arecritically examined by a group of experts with longstanding interest inSoutheast Asian affairs.

Amitav Acharya is an associate professor in theDepartment of Political Science at York University and a seniorresearch fellow of the University of Toronto-York University JointCentre for Asia Pacific Studies. Richard Stubbs is aprofessor in the Department of Political Science at McMaster Universityand academic adviser to the Canada-ASEAN Centre's Academic SupportProgramme.

Figures, Maps, and Tables


Introduction: New Policy Challenges

1. Transboundary Ocean and Atmospheric Pollution in Southeast Asia:Prospects for Regional Cooperation / Ian Townsend-Gault, DavidVanderZwaag, and Robert Adamson

2. Managing the Environment in ASEAN: The Case of Extended UrbanRegions / Douglas Webster

3. Managing Multicultural Societies: The Status of Minority Groupsin Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand / Jean DeBernardi andChristopher Tarnowski

4. Human Rights in ASEAN States: A Canadian Policy Perspective /Diane K. Mauzy and R.S. Milne

5. ASEAN Policy Responses to North American and European TradingAgreements / Gordon P. Means

6. ASEAN and Asia-Pacific Multilateralism: Managing RegionalSecurity / Amitav Acharya

Statistical Appendix / J.D. Kenneth Boutin



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