Maya Balakirsky Katz

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Studying Hasidism

Sources, Methods, Perspectives

Rutgers University Press

Studying Hasidism, edited by internationally recognized historian of Hasidism Marcin Wodziński, introduces previously untapped sources, such as folklore, music, or material culture and shows how they can be employed to answer new questions in the history of Hasidism.

  • Copyright year: 2019
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Drawing the Iron Curtain

Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation

Rutgers University Press

Drawing the Iron Curtain tells the story of the golden age of Soviet animation and the Jewish artists who enabled it to thrive. Maya Balakirsky Katz reveals how the state-run animation studio Soyuzmultfilm served as an unlikely haven for political dissidents and brought together Jewish creative personnel from across the land. These artists used the studio to depict distinctive elements of their heritage and ethnic identity, while articulating a cosmopolitan sensibility and a multicultural vision for the Soviet Union.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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