John P. Dwyer
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Our Town
Race, Housing, and the Soul of Suburbia
Rutgers University Press
An account of the legal battle to open up New Jersey's suburbs to the poor, looking at the views of lawyers on both sides of the controversy. It is a case study of judicial activism and its consequences and an analysis of suburban attitudes regarding race, class and property.
- Copyright year: 1997
A New Jersey Anthology
Edited by Maxine N. Lurie
Rutgers University Press, Rivergate Books
This anthology contains seventeen essays covering eighteenth-century agrarian unrest, the Revolutionary War, politics in the Jackson era, feminism and the women's movements, slavery from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, strikes and labor struggles, land use and regional planning issues, Blacks in Newark, the current political state of New Jersey, and more.
- Copyright year: 2010
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