Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
Enshrining the Right to Sexual Autonomy in Japan
Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution persuasively demonstrates the need to entrench protections for individual sexual autonomy within constitutional law.
Translating the Occupation
The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931–45
Featuring a collection of translated texts written by writers who lived through the occupation, Translating the Occupation challenges and deepens our understanding of the tensions and transformations that Japanese invasion wrought on Chinese society.
Constructing Empire
The Japanese in Changchun, 1905–45
While other studies focus on the role of diplomats and the military, Constructing Empire demonstrates that building the Japanese empire also required civilian participation.
Brewed in Japan
The Evolution of the Japanese Beer Industry
This book explores the many challenges that faced the early production and sale of beer in Japan, including its evolution from a uniquely Western beverage into a thoroughly domestic Japanese commodity by the post-Second World War era.
Principles of Reiki
Revised Edition
This concise introduction covers the history and spiritual principles of Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing system based on channelling spiritual energy through the hands.
Xavier's Legacies
Catholicism in Modern Japanese Culture
By exposing Catholicism’s long-term influence in Japan, this volume disrupts conventional assumptions about tradition, modernity, and Christianity in the East and the West.
Reforming Japan
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in the Meiji Period
Challenges received notions about women’s political involvement and engagement with the state in Meiji Japan by exploring the activism of members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.
Reconstructing Kobe
The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity
Explores the decade-long challenge to reconstruct Kobe after the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995.
American Missionaries, Christian Oyatoi, and Japan, 1859-73
Investigates the impact of American Protestant missions on modern Japan and Japanese-American relations.
Contradictory Impulses
Canada and Japan in the Twentieth Century
Contradictory Impulses is a comprehensive study of the social, political, and economic interactions between Canada and Japan from the late nineteenth century until today.
Japan's Emergence as a Modern State - 60th anniv. ed.
Political and Economic Problems of the Meiji Period
"As provocative a touchstone as we will ever have for understanding the early encounter of Western historians with Japan's emergence as a modern state." - Jown Dower
Resisting Manchukuo
Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation
Japan's Modern Prophet
Uchimura Kanzô, 1861-1930
Charts the introduction of Christianity to Japan through the life of Uchimura Kanzô, was one of Japan’s foremost thinkers, whose ideas influenced contemporary novelists, statesmen, reformers, and religious leaders.