Island Press began with a simple idea: knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1984, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems.
The Case for a Carbon Tax
Getting Past Our Hang-Ups to Effective Climate Policy
A clear-eyed, sophisticated analysis of climate-change policy, Hsu weighs the economic, social, administrative, and political merits of a carbon tax to argue it is the most effective policy.
Chasing Molecules
Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry
Chasing Molecules explores the development of green chemistry as an alternative to the dangerous synthetic chemicals found in countless consumer products.
Making Healthy Places
Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
Making Healthy Places presents a diagnosis of-and offers treatment for-problems related to the built environment.
Intelligent Tinkering
Bridging the Gap between Science and Practice
One approach he advocates is what he calls "intelligent tinkering," where practitioners employ the same kind of careful but informal trial-and-error strategy followed by such groups as indigenous peoples and hobbyist mechanics. Cabin illustrates the power of intelligent tinkering using examples from his own work and other restoration projects.
The gap between science and practice is a widespread problem across all fields of applied science. Intelligent Tinkering offers an insightful look at the underlying causes of the problem, along with invaluable suggestions for addressing it.
Making Nature Whole
A History of Ecological Restoration
Making Nature Whole is a landmark contribution, providing context and history regarding a distinctive form of land management and giving readers a fascinating overview of the development of the field. It is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding where ecological restoration came from or where it might be going.
Wicked Environmental Problems
Managing Uncertainty and Conflict
This new book examines past experience and future directions in the management of so-called "wicked" environmental problems-those characterized by large-scale, long-term policy dilemmas and contentious political stalemates. Most important, the book reviews current thinking on the way forward, focusing on the implementation of "learning networks," in which public managers, technical experts, and public stakeholders collaborate in decision-making processes that are analytic, iterative, and deliberative.
Wicked Environmental Problems offers new approaches for managing environmental conflicts and shows how managers could apply these approaches within common, real-world statutory decision-making frameworks. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with managing environmental problems.
The Agile City
Building Well-Being and Wealth in an Era of Climate Change
In a very short time, America realized that global warming poses real challenges to the nation's future. The Agile City engages the fundamental question: What to do about it?
Towards 0-Impact Buildings and Built Environments
A compilation of key notes and best papers of the 2010 Sustainable Building Euregional Conference.