Andrew L. Dannenberg
Making Healthy Places
Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
Making Healthy Places presents a diagnosis of-and offers treatment for-problems related to the built environment.
- Copyright year: 2011
Making Healthy Places, Second Edition
Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability
Making Healthy Places surveys the many intersections between health and the built environment, from the scale of buildings to the scale of metro areas, and across a range of outcomes, from cardiovascular health and infectious disease to social connectedness and happiness. This new edition is significantly updated, with a special emphasis on equity and sustainability, and takes a global perspective. It provides current evidence not only on how poorly designed places may threaten well-being, but also on solutions that have been found to be effective.
Making Healthy Places is a must-read for students, academics, and professionals in health, architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, parks and recreation, and related fields.
- Copyright year: 2022