Everett L. Worthington

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.


The Quiet Virtue

Templeton Press

Humility is a virtue that can be difficult to describe because of its paradoxical nature: claiming authority about humility and claiming that one is humble both suggest a lack of humility. In Humility, Everett L.Worthington Jr. seeks a way around this paradox by looking to people who are considered by others to be humble. He suggests people as examples: Jesus, Siddhartha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King Jr. He looks, too, at people whom he admires. He examines the characteristics of humility they share, and, in doing so, formulates a working understanding of humility.

  • Copyright year: 2007
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Dimensions Of Forgiveness

A Research Approach

Templeton Press

The scientific study of forgiveness is a new approach to an age-old problem. For thousands of years, people have practiced forgiveness within religious systems. Now, the field of scholarly research of forgiveness reveals the beneficial aspects of the process.

  • Copyright year: 1998
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The Power of Forgiving

Templeton Press

Forgiveness is a virtue that author Everett L. Worthington Jr. has advocated throughout his career as a counselor and psychologist. In this book, he explains the paradoxical power of forgiveness through his personal and professional experiences and through the wisdom of others. The paradox is that in forgiving for the well-being of others, we actually receive tremendous benefits for ourselves in terms of physical and mental health.

  • Copyright year: 2005
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