Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada
Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada brings together experts from across the country to share their perspectives on how energy systems can respond to climate change, enhance social justice, respect local cultures and traditions – and still make financial sense.
First Nations Wildfire Evacuations
A Guide for Communities and External Agencies
Based on the experiences of evacuees from seven First Nations communities, this book offers guidance to Indigenous communities and external agencies on how to successfully plan for and carry out wildfire evacuations.
Public Deliberation on Climate Change
Lessons from Alberta Climate Dialogue
Empowering Electricity
Co-operatives, Sustainability, and Power Sector Reform in Canada
This revealing analysis of Canada’s electrical power co-operatives challenges our understanding of their history and shines a light on their potential within the nation’s electricity sector.
State of the World 2015
Confronting Hidden Threats to Sustainability
Cooler, Smarter
Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living
This science-based guide shows you the most effective ways to cut your own global warming emissions by twenty percent or more, and explains why your individual contribution is so vital to addressing this global problem.
Vital Signs 2012
The Trends that are Shaping Our Future
From obesity to ecosystem services, from grain production to nuclear power, this book offers the sometimes-shocking facts that need to guide our stewardship of the Earth’s resources.