UBC Press is proud to publish outstanding scholarly works by some of the world’s preeminent scholars. We congratulate our authors and volume editors who have been recognized with awards and citations.
Cripping Intersex
Cripping Intersex explores the political, discursive, and embodied connections between intersex and disability to develop a radically innovative approach to intersex studies and activism.
2024, Winner - Canada Prize, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Copyright year: 2022
Unstable Properties
Aboriginal Title and the Claim of British Columbia
Unstable Properties convincingly argues that the so-called land question in British Columbia cannot be resolved without understanding the fundamentally unstable ideological foundation of land and title arrangements on which the province rests.
2023, Shortlisted - Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Writing Awards
- Copyright year: 2022
Making Muskoka
Tourism, Rural Identity, and Sustainability, 1870–1920
Making Muskoka traces the first decades of Muskoka’s transformation from Indigenous homeland to a part-time playground for tourists and cottagers and uncovers the consequences for those who lived there year-round.
2023, Shortlisted - Saskatchewan Book Awards
2024, Winner - Best Book in Canadian Environmental History Prize, NiCHE
- Copyright year: 2022
Lessons in Legitimacy
Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia
Lessons in Legitimacy examines the relationship between settler capitalism, state schooling, and the making of British Columbia.
2023, Runner-up - Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Writing Awards
2023, Winner - Clio Prize (British Columbia), Canadian Historical Association
2024, Winner -
Founders’ Book Prize, Canadian History of Education Association
- Copyright year: 2022
The Solidarity Encounter
Women, Activism, and Creating Non-Colonizing Relations
This compassionate yet unflinching exposé of the pitfalls of Indigenous–non-Indigenous solidarity work offers a constructive framework for non-colonizing solidarity that can be applied in any context of unequal power.
2023, Shortlisted - Atlantic Book Award for Scholarly Writing
- Copyright year: 2022
Rare Merit
Women in Photography in Canada, 1840–1940
Rare Merit illuminates the impact of women as portraitists, travel documentarians, photojournalists, fine artists, hobbyists, and printers in the early years of photography in Canada.
2023, Joint winner - AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show: Scholarly Illustrated
2023, Shortlisted - WILLA Literary Award, Scholarly Non-Fiction
- Copyright year: 2022