Susan Spencer
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Paper, Ink, and Achievement
Gabriel Hornstein and the Revival of Eighteenth-Century Scholarship
Edited by Kevin L. Cope and Cedric D. Reverand II
Bucknell University Press
AMS Press president Gabriel Hornstein stimulated the revival of “long” eighteenth-century studies, sponsoring countless publications while creating a global audience for an obscure specialty. Paper, Ink, and Achievement celebrates Hornstein through three sets of essays evaluating the influence of publishers on cultural legacies; the effect of book enthusiasts on literary canons; and favorite long-eighteenth-century literary modes. Paper, Ink, and Achievement commemorates a publishing magnate whose temperate energy propelled his favorite discipline in multitudinous new directions.
- Copyright year: 2021
Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 29)
Edited by Kevin L. Cope and Samara Anne Cahill
Bucknell University Press
Exploratory and energetically analytical, 1650–1850 ranges over the expanse of long eighteenth-century culture. Welcoming research on all nations and language traditions, this annual escorts its readers into a truly global Enlightenment. Volume 29 includes essays on familiar topics such as Samuel Johnson and women’s education while it also showcases Sir Joseph Banks’s globetrotting and provides a vivaciously interdisciplinary special feature on the cultural implications of water. Capping it all off is a diverse bevy of robust, full-length book reviews.
- Copyright year: 2024
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